The HEC Montréal Sustainability Fund

Find out how this fund supports the HEC Montréal community’s sustainable development initiatives and could help one of your projects.
Activities funded
- Student activities and projects aiming to raise awareness, educate and train the student community and based on key economic, environmental, social and governance-related themes.
- Projects empowering the university community to take action on respecting sustainable development principles, as well as to implement HEC Montréal’s sustainable development policy.
Attention! The Fund covers external expenses, but does not provide funding for scholarships or student salaries.
Projects funded in the past few years
- 2021 new academic trimester bazaar and school kits for student parents
- Purchase and installation of a bike repair kiosk
- Events during the Douzaine du développement durable – Groupe Humaniterre
- First edition of the HEC Pride Week in 2020 – AECS’s Diversity Committee
- Implementing a zero-waste strategy during the CSR Challenge – AEMBA
- Support for the AECS ball’s environmentally responsible strategy
To apply for funding
Step 1 (mandatory): To learn the about the funding application prerequisites, your obligations, and the granting process, download the document Structure, organisation et procédures (PDF, in French only, 328 Ko)
Step 2: Complete a funding application (in French only)

- Each term, the Fund receives a portion of HEC student tuitions.
- The Association étudiante des programmes de certificat (AEPC) contributes with $5,000 every year.
- HEC Montréal’s Administration matches the amount provided by the student community and by AEPC.
Managed jointly
The funds are managed by members of the student community and by HEC Montréal staff, who are responsible for evaluating and selecting projects and for making resource allocation decisions. Projects are evaluated once a month by the funds committee.
With support from student groups and associations

To contact the Sustainable Transition Office
Sustainable Transition Office
Côte-Sainte-Catherine building
3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Office 3.870 (see floor plan)
Montréal (Quebec) Canada
H3T 2A7