For Businesses > Recruit students or graduates > Offer internships or student projects

Offer internships or student projects

HEC Montréal has programs in all management fields.
Why not offer an internship or student project in your organization?

A variety of internships and projects

  • In all management fields
  • At different levels (undergraduate, specialized graduate diploma (DESS), Master’s and MBA)
  • Multidisciplinary or specialized internships
  • Consulting projects, supervised projects and integrative projects

Internship or project

  • Period of training, learning or development in a company.
  • The student acquires new professional skills while contributing to the host organization.
  • Extensive assignment during which a student provides specific expertise in his or her field of specialization.
  • The student identifies possible solutions related to a company project or issue, and then comes up with recommendations if possible.

Consider the possibilities and make an offer

The main internship and student project options offered by HEC Montréal apply to all fields of study. In seven of these fields, we also offer specific options.

Internships and student projects in close to 20 management fields


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) – administration internship or specialized internship


BBA students can carry out two types of internships: a business internship or a specialized internship. HEC Montréal is responsible for validating the type of internship during the approval process.

Business internship

Two formats offered:

  • 1st format: the intern’s services are used on a rotating basis in several functions in different management fields.
  • 2nd format: the intern performs a single function, but has time to meet with the company’s managers and learn about other management fields in the company’s different operations.

Specialized internship

  • The intern has specific duties, related to one of the specializations in the study program.
  • The intern is exposed to one or more aspects of the specialization concerned.
  • The internship gives the student a chance to see the day-to-day work of specialists in this field.

Examples of the responsibilities of a BBA intern

For the accounting specialization, see the internship options in accounting in a business or accounting firm.

  • Minimum of 140 hours of work
  • Full-time or part-time
  • Lasting from 10 to 15 weeks according to the following schedule

Mandatory start and end dates

Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Summer 2025
Start Date Between August 24th and September 9th Between January 6th and 20th Between May 1st and June 16th
End Date By December 18th By April 30th By August 22nd

In Quebec
All internships must be remunerated at least at minimum wage except for internships completed in non-profit organizations or organizations with a social or community mandate. This compensation is to be determined in an agreement between the student and the host organization.

In France
An employer who hosts an intern for a period of more than 2 months (44 days, 7 hours per day) over the course of the same academic year must offer a minimum amount in compensation. The amount of this compensation must be 15 percent more or equal to the maximum amount of social security. You can find out more on the official website of the French administration (in French only).

Several government subsidy programs, provide financial support to companies that offer an internship.

Conditions for participating
  • Identify an available internship supervisor within the company.
  • Submit an internship offer.
  • Evaluate the student’s work and submit this evaluation to the Internship Department of the B.A.A.
  • Only one internship per student
  • Internships may be located outside Quebec, under certain conditions.

A student enrolled in the HEC Montréal BBA program may obtain credit for one or more internships during his/her studies, under certain conditions.

It is the student’s responsibility to check with the BBA administrative office whether an internship can be credited based on his/her study track. It is the company’s responsibility to check with the student selected for the internship whether the student can and wants to have the internship credited in his/her program of study. In order to confirm that a specific internship mandate can be credited, the student must file a formal request for approval of the internship within current registration periods.

For more information, we invite you to consult the Internship web page (in French only).

Administration internship

  • The internship supervisor is someone with a good knowledge of the company and of management.

Specialized internship

  • The internship supervisor must be an expert in the specialization and work daily in this field.
Evaluation of the internship
  • Evaluation by the supervisor within the organization is completed in two stages. It is taken into account in the final evaluation that is completed by those in charge of the program.
  • The evaluation which takes place at midway is an opportunity to ensure proper integration of the intern within your organization. In the event of a problem, the Internship Department will contact you and the student.
  • The final internship evaluation must be completed, at the latest, two weeks after the end of the internship. It evaluates the student’s global performance and learning according to a list of skills.
Important dates

Autumn session 2024

  • Offers posted starting May
  • Interview: at your convenience
  • Registration period for students:
    • Starts: June 5th, 2024
    • Ends: August 28th, 2024

Winter session 2025

  • Offers posted starting September
  • Interview: at your convenience
  • Registration period for students:
    • Starts: November 6th, 2024
    • Ends: January 5th, 2025

Summer session 2025

  • Offers posted starting January
  • Interview: at your convenience
  • Registration period for students:
    • Starts: March 3rd, 2025
    • Ends: May 30th, 2025
How to offer an internship?

Create an employer account or log on to post your internship offer.

Internships are usually reviewed and approved within 48 hours.

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Master of Science (MSc) – Supervised project


A supervised project lets students integrate and apply the concepts they have learned during their Master’s-level courses.

The mandate or intervention:

  • must be directly related to the student’s specialization;
  • calls for evaluation, analysis and, if possible, a recommendation;
  • may require that the student observe, interview or conduct a literature review;
  • may include conducting a diagnosis, taking part in planning and implementing management practices, and formulating recommendations on a specific issue.

See examples of supervised projects by field of studies


A maximum of 405 hours (10 to 12 weeks), including the writing of a report.


The student usually receives remuneration for the work done during the project.

This remuneration is subject to an agreement between the student and the company.

Several government subsidy programs provide financial support to companies that offer a project.

Conditions for participating
  • Company with a growth prospect
  • Identify a contact for the student within the organization 
  • Collaborate in the identification and approval of a specific mandate related to the student's specialization 

The project can be carried out outside the province of Quebec, under certain conditions.  

Important dates

It is recommended that you post the offer four months before the start of the term during which the project will be carried out.


  • In January for the summer term
  • In April for the fall term
  • In September for the winter term
How to offer a project

Create an employer account or log on to post your project offer.

Projects are usually reviewed and approved within 48 hours.

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MBA – Consulting Field Project


In the context of their “Consulting Field Project” course, teams of 4 to 5 MBA students carry out consulting mandates.

With the guidance of a professor, our students will draw on their experience, management knowledge, and skills built throughout the MBA program to analyze your needs and develop an action plan.

The student team will:

  • Conduct an in-depth analysis of a situation
  • Evaluate different options using management tools
  • Recommend concrete, cost-effective solutions

Consulting projects can cover all areas of management.

  • Part-time students: 8 weeks part time (The students also work during their studies)
  • Full-time students: 5 weeks full time
Cost A contribution of $8,500 is requested by the MBA program
Important dates

  • July 2 to August 25, 2024 (part-time students) 
    • May 9, 2024: project submission date 
    • June 2024: assignment of each project to a team 
    • Week of July 8, 2024: signing of the contractual agreement between students, the professor, and the organization
  • July 22 to August 25, 2024 (full-time students) 
    • May 9, 2024: project submission date 
    • June 2024: assignment of each project to a team 
    • Week of July 29, 2024: signing of the contractual agreement between the students, the professor, and the organization 

  • October 14 to December 7, 2024 (part-time students) 
    • July 18, 2024: First round of projects submission
    • August 22, 2024: project submission deadline
    • September 2024: assignment of each project to a team 
    • Week of October 21, 2024: signing of the contractual agreement between students, the professor, and the organization
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MBA -MBA+ Internship

Description What is the MBA+ program?

It is a full-time MBA aimed at foreign students who, alongside their studies, receive intensive training in French language. As part of this, they must complete a short internship, allowing them to gain their first work experience in Canada in a Francophone or bilingual environment.

  • Duration of the internship: 3 months
  • Internship period: from September to December 2024
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Other possibilities


Supply chain (D.E.S.S.)

Title Intervention project for the Supply chain D.E.S.S.

For this intervention project, a team of 2 to 4 D.E.S.S. students examines a problem related to logistics (process analysis and improvement, transportation, procurement, inventory management, demand forecasting, warehousing, optimizing routing, planning).

The students are supervised by a professor from the Department of Logistics and Operations Management.

They suggest one or more solutions to the company.

Length 4 months (125 hours per student)

These projects are not usually compensated.

Conditions for participating
  • Clearly define the scope of the project.
  • Identify a contact in the company.
  • Submit a project proposal.
  • Ensure that company staff and the data necessary for the project are available.
Important dates

Project proposal deadline:

  • December 1 for the winter term
  • April 15 for the summer term
  • August 15 for the fall term
How to offer a project

Send a proposal to

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Electronic commerce (Master’s level)

Title Specialized internship for the Electronic commerce Master’s level

Students in this Master’s-level program get an overall vision of issues in e-commerce, in particular the legal, management and technological aspects.

This enables them to:

  • conduct impact studies in a business context;
  • provide specific expertise in one of the program’s three main fields of specialization.
Length About 480 hours, i.e. 12 to 16 weeks full-time.

Generally, students must receive compensation for their work during the internship.

This compensation is to be defined in an agreement between the student and the host company.

Conditions for participating
  • Identify an available supervisor within the company.
  • Submit an internship proposal.
  • Evaluate the student’s work.
Important dates

It is recommended that you post the offer four months before the start of the term during which the internship will be carried out.


  • In January for the summer term
  • In April for the fall term
  • In September for the winter term
How to offer an internship

Create an employer account or log on to post an internship offer.

Internships are usually considered and approved within 48 hours.

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Accounting (Bachelor’s level, certificate, D.E.S.S.)


Many HEC Montréal students are training to obtain the CPA designation. To obtain this designation, the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec requires them to have professional experience in accounting.

Which programs?

Undergraduate level:

  • Certificat d’accès à la profession comptable (students who already hold an undergraduate degree)

Companies are not eligible for income tax credits for interns from this program.

  • Baccalauréat en administration – accounting specialization

Companies are eligible for income tax credits for some interns from this program.

Master’s level:

  • Diplôme d’études supérieures spécialisées en comptabilité professionnelle – CPA
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Master of Management (MMEC) - Integration project in cultural business management

Title Master in Management (MMEC) - Integration project in cultural business management

The student assumes a mandate with actual and specific responsibilities.


  • must include an analysis, an intervention and, if possible, recommendations for the company’s management team;
  • must take place in a Canadian or foreign company in the cultural field;
  • may require the use of support tools (observations, interviews, questionnaires, literature review, etc.).
Length Minimum 270 hours for all project-related steps, including report writing.

Generally, students must receive compensation for their work during the project.

This compensation is to be defined in an agreement between the student and the host company.

Several government subsidy programs, provide financial support to companies that offer a project.

Conditions for participating
  • Company with a growth prospect
  • Identify a contact person for the student within the organization 
  • Collaborate in the identification and approval of a specific mandate or intervention related to the management of cultural enterprises 
Important dates

Registration deadline: 

  • Fall session: September 15th
  • Winter session: January 15th
  • Summer session: May 15th 
How to offer a project

Create an employer account or log on to post your project offer.

Projects are usually reviewed and approved within 48 hours.

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Master of Management (MMDD) - Integrative project in sustainable development


The integrative project allows students to integrate and apply the concepts seen during their master's courses.

The assignment or intervention:  

  • Must demonstrate that the student has attained the level of competence required to conduct an in-depth, rigorous and original analysis of a relevant and complex subject in the management of sustainable development 
  • Must involve analysis, intervention and, if possible, recommendations for the organization's managers 
  • May require the use of support tools (observations, interviews, questionnaires, documentary research, etc.) 
  • The project may be conducted outside of the province of Quebec, under certain conditions. 


Minimum 270 hours for all stages of the project, including the writing of a report. 


Generally, students must receive compensation for their work during the project.

This compensation is to be defined in an agreement between the student and the host company.

Several government subsidy programs, provide financial support to companies that offer a project.

Conditions for participating
  • Company with a growth prospect
  • Identify a contact person for the student within the organization 
  • Collaborate in the identification and approval of a specific mandate or intervention related to sustainable development
How to offer a project?

Create an employer account or log on to post your project offer.

Projects are usually reviewed and approved within 48 hours.

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Graduate Diploma of Specialized Studies (D.E.S.S.) - Internship in Management and Sustainable Development

Title Specialized internship for the Graduate Diploma of Specialized Studies (D.E.S.S.)

The main objective of the internship is to allow students to become familiar with the actual context of sustainable development in organizations. It will expose them to the challenges related to sustainable development, but also the organization’s responses to these challenges in terms of processes, structures, actions and programs.

Length Please note that the writing of the report is not included in the number of hours.

Generally, students must receive compensation for their work during the internship.

This compensation is to be defined in an agreement between the student and the host company.

Several government subsidy programs, provide financial support to companies that offer an internship.

Conditions for participating
  • Identify an available supervisor within the company.
  • Submit a project proposal.
  • Evaluate the student’s work.
Important dates

Registration deadlines 

  • Fall session: September 15th
  • Winter session: January 15th
  • Summer session: May 15th
How to offer an internship

Create an employer account or log on to post your internship offer.

Internships are usually reviewed and approved within 48 hours.

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Cultural organizations (D.E.S.S.)

Title Supervised internship in management of arts and culture for the Cultural organizations (D.E.S.S.)

The internship gives students a better understanding of the operation of organizations in the arts and culture field and the specific features of management in this environment. At least one task must be strategic or reflective in nature.
Internships consisting exclusively of operational tasks will not be recognized.

Length 200 hours of organizational work. Please note that report writing is not included.

Generally, students must receive compensation for their work during the internship.

This compensation is to be defined in an agreement between the student and the host company.

Several government subsidy programs, provide financial support to companies that offer a project.

Conditions for participating
  • Identify an available supervisor within the company.
  • Submit an internship proposal.
  • Sign a contract with the students and the supervising professor.
Important dates

Registration deadline

  • September 15 for the fall term
  • January 15 for the winter term
  • May 15 for the summer term
How to offer an internship

Create an employer account or log on to post your internship offer.

Internships are usually reviewed and approved within 48 hours.

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Need help?

Career Management Services can help you navigate this process.         514 340-6169         Our team members