Target companies and let them know who you are
Managers very often prefer to recruit within their network or that of their collaborators. It is therefore important to access a variety of professional networks to make sure you take advantage of the job opportunities they offer. Learn more about effective techniques to approach companies.
Step 1: Draw up a list of companies to target
Choose these companies (max. 40) according to the criteria that will optimize you chances of getting a job that corresponds to your professional goals.
Dream companies (max. 10). Find them on these sites Les Affaires (in French only), IMT online, CRIQ, Scott's directories, for example.
Employers who are HEC alumni. Find them in the alumni directory on LinkedIn.
Employers who are recruiting. Visit various job search sites, such as My Career or Indeed.
Emerging Companies (SME). To locate them, do a search by keyword, read the trade press or the list of Quebec’s 300 biggest SMEs (in French only).
Companies in which you have direct or indirect contacts (a member of an association of which you are also a member, a colleague’s sister, for example).
Step 2: Approach them and let them know who you are
You can easily access professional networks in the field that interests you.
Get information on selected companies. Follow them in the news and on social media.
Participate in the public events that the companies are involved in. Take this opportunity to exchange and learn more about the companies.
Approach professionals that work for them, especially on LinkedIn. See how to benefit from such moves.
Apply for jobs posted by these companies. You can remind the recruiter that you already have contacts in the company.
A tip from Claire Saint-Jacques, Advisor

“Keep tabs on the actions you undertake. It is in your interest to keep a file of all the information you gather: steps taken, dates, names and contact information of people you met. This will allow you to have a clear idea of your process, to follow up with your contacts and avoid certain missteps.”
Find out more
Find out about upcoming recruiting and networking events and take advantage of the advice offered by the Career and Management Services resource people.