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Evaluate your interviews

Give yourself every chance at success by analyzing your performance, identifying eventual problems and taking measures to solve them.

Make sure to remember how things went in your recent interviews. Then ask yourself the following questions.

Was I well prepared?

Many applicants come to an interview thinking they are ready for anything. But they don't always know what will set them apart from the others, for example, they do not have much information about the company and do not know what kind of interview or tests to expect.

See if you’re ready

Did I meet the employer's expectations?

When there are several strong applicants, the employer will choose whoever is most convincing. This is why it’s important to understand what the employer expects of your interpersonal skills, know-how, motivation and use of judgement. The answers you have prepared to the FAQs should help you meet these expectations.

Make sure you have good answers to these questions

Did I handle the stress well?

It is normal to feel nervous before an important meeting, but it should not affect your performance.

Advice for your next interview

  • Familiarize yourself with the exact location of your interview and arrive well in advance, to avoid rushing in at the last minute.
  • Make sure you appear to be smiling and relaxed.
  • Keep a close tab on the length and flow of your answers (neither too short, nor too long, nor too fast).
  • Beware of nervous tics, annoying utterances (e.g.: uh…), and unintended repetitions (e.g.: So… so… so…).

This is another example of how preparing well can help reduce your stress. You will feel more in control and ready to answer all types of questions.

HEC Montréal Student Services also offers some helpful solutions.

Stress management tools

Stress-busting group activities for students

Do I have the right attitude?

The recruiter is attentive to non-verbal messages, such as your gaze, gestures and facial expressions. They also pick up on your intonations. This information can be interpreted and lead them to believe, true or not, that you are anxious, arrogant, introverted, negligent, etc.


  • Be nice, respectful and open.
  • Look other people in the eye when you speak to them.
  • Check your posture and your gait.

Did I pass the test?

Your interview went well, but you did not get the job. You may not have done well on the tests.

Recruiters rarely tell applicants the results of their tests, but you can ask to check your performance.

When should I start to worry?

You can perform well in an interview and still not be hired. However, if you are turned down more than six times:


Career Management Services offers a variety of personalized services and workshops to help you prepare for interviews.

Students > Support and resources > Career management > Interviews > Evaluate your interviews