Events > Plan an event at HEC Montréal > Guide to Using Event Resources and Requesting Services > Reserve a room – Event support

Reserve a room – Event support

You are planning a standard or research event. See how to choose a public room, student lounge, or classroom, see if it is available, and reserve it.

Planning a student event? The reservation procedure and available services are different. Refer to the Guide to Planning a Student Event.

Want to reserve a self-service room? The reservation procedure is different. Go to the page Reserve a self-service room.


To reserve a classroom or public room


You already know the name of the room you want to reserve

Do the reservation tool menus appear in French? To set the language to English, click the globe icon in the top right of the page and select a language.

  1. In the lateral menu on the left, choose New booking.
  2. In the Booking type field, select the type of room you want to reserve: classroom or public space.
  3. Click Room criteria to open the window Room criteria.
  4. In the Room section, select the search tool to find the room you want.
  5. Select the room and click Apply, in the bottom right of the window.
  6. Select the times during which the activity will be held (“time range”) and the duration.
  7. If the date of the event appears in the calendar inside a yellow hexagon, the room is available on that date.
  8. Click this date and, if necessary, choose a start time in the Results section.
  9. Click the button Make a request for room
  10. Provide the information requested in the Booking confirmation window, then submit the form.

Need to reserve other rooms? Repeat the procedure if you already know the room names. Otherwise, follow the procedure below.


You do not know the name of the room you want to reserve

Choose a room with the right size and equipment

You can then welcome the expected number of attendees and provide the services you want to provide (e.g., lunch, sound system, videoconference, screenings). Then, if fewer people will attend than previously thought, you can reserve a different room. If more people will attend, you can live stream the event in more than one room. Keeping track of attendance will help you anticipate these situations.


Do the reservation tool menus appear in French? To set the language to English, click the globe icon in the top right of the page and select a language.

  1. In the lateral menu on the left, choose New booking.
  2. In the Booking type field, select the type of room you want to reserve: classroom or public space.
  3. Click Room criteria to open the window Room criteria.
  4. Indicate your needs in the Room criteria window: building, room type, floor level, pavilion, characteristics, and minimum capacity and area.
    • You are not required to provide information for all of the fields.
    • If you want to reserve a classroom with an adjustable layout, indicate this by selecting the option Mobile in the Characteristics field.
    • Confirm your choices by clicking Apply.
  5. Continue your search by specifying the times during which the activity will be held (“time range”) and the duration.
  6. If the date of the event appears in the calendar inside a yellow hexagon, at least one room is available on that date.
  7. Click the date and, if necessary, choose a start time in the Results section.
  8. Go to the bottom of the page to see which rooms are available.
  9. For additional information on each room, click Room details in the column on the right.
    • You will be able view the possible configurations for public rooms with adjustable layouts.
    • If you have questions about the layouts of public rooms and mobile classrooms, email

You can use the back arrow in the top left of the browser to return to your search results and view the characteristics of another room.

Once you have found a room that meets your needs, reserve it.

  1. Click the room name in the Results section.
  2. Provide the information requested in the Booking confirmation window, then submit the form.

Need to reserve another room? Repeat this procedure as many times as necessary.


You want to cancel a reservation

  • Go to the reservation tool and log in with your HEC Montréal number and password.

    Do the reservation tool menus appear in French? To set the language to English, click the globe icon in the top right of the page and select a language.

  • In the lateral menu on the left, select My bookings.
  • In the table, click the reservation you want to cancel.
  • Proceed with the cancellation.


To reserve a student lounge

While Student Services handle requests, student associations are responsible for student lounges and are given priority for lounge reservations.

You cannot reserve a lounge using the room reservation tool. Use the form provided by the SAE.



Learn more about the lounge characteristics and see lounge availability

  1. Go to the reservation tool and log in with your HEC Montréal number and password.

Do the reservation tool menus appear in French? To set the language to English, click the globe icon in the top right of the page and select a language.

  1. In the lateral menu on the left, select Rooms.
  2. In the Building field, select All.
  3. In the Additional room criteria field, select Salon étudiant (student lounge) in the room type field and click Apply.
  4. In the results list, click a lounge to view the characteristics of the space. In the Configuration field, you can view the different configurations (layouts) available.

You can use the back arrow in the top left of the browser to return to your search results and view the characteristics of another lounge.      

See lounge availability

Option 1: Click Calendar view to the right, above the results list. Click the Pencil pictogram, then adjust the dates with the tool that appears.

Option 2: Click any of the “calendar” icons in the column on the right of the results list.

  • You can change the calendar format (weekly, monthly, etc.) by clicking the three vertical dots at the top right of the table.
  • If necessary, click the Pencil pictogram, then adjust the dates with the tool appears.

Option 3: On the characteristics page for the room you want to reserve, click Calendar in the top corner. Click the Pencil pictogram, then adjust the dates with the tool that appears.



To reserve a lounge

  1. Go to the page Demande d'approbation d'événements (event approval request)
  2. Click Nouvelle demande (new request)
  3. On the form, answer all the questions and follow the steps from Section I to Section IV.

If you do not know whether alcohol will be served, answer No to the question De l’alcool sera-t-il consommé? (Will alcohol be served?) in section III. You can correct the form at any time.

  1. Finalize the request.

An email will be sent to you as soon as the request is approved.

When reserving a student lounge, provide the exact times of the event. Do not include time for setting up and breaking down the room.


To cancel a lounge reservation

  1. Go to the page Demande d'approbation d'événements (event approval request).
  2. In your reservation request, click the cross across from Type de demande (request type).
  3. A window will pop up asking you to confirm or cancel your reservation.

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