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How to submit your application

Once you’ve adapted your CV and written your cover letter, you can send your application to the employer. Make sure your documents arrive safely and in keeping with current standards.

Refer to the job ad, or look on the company’s website for recommendations. Based on their preferences, you’ll send your application:

  • Via the company’s website (online form)
  • By email:
    • Unless otherwise specified by the employer, zip the CV and cover letter in a single file and name the file your first and last name.
    • Write a short introductory text, attach your documents and send it.
    • In the subject line of the email, write the job title and the job ad number if applicable.
  • By mail

Find out more

Career Management Services offers several individual services and workshops to help you submit a winning application to employers.

Students > Support and resources > Career management > CV and cover letter > How to submit your application