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Fix a CV That’s Hurting Your Chances

Are you sending out applications and not receiving any replies? Worried it might be due to a problem with your CV? Ask the right questions and apply the right solutions.

Is your CV really the problem?

Is your career objective realistic?

Set your career objectives

Are you limiting your job search to just sending out your CV to potential employers? Optimize your job search strategy. For instance, you might wish to:

Target companies and introduce yourself

Talk to professionals for more information

Does your cover letter reflect well on you?

Learn how to write a cover letter

When you send a recruiter your CV, they will want to check out your LinkedIn profile. Have you fine-tuned it to suit your career objective? Is it complete? Does it back up the information on your CV?

Create your LinkedIn profile

Is your Facebook page set to public and, if so, does it paint you in the best light?

Have you been patient enough? If you have only sent out a handful of CVs, don't despair. Some specialists estimate that a person will land one interview for every 20 CVs they send out. If your CVs are well crafted, keep trying.

Did you follow our recommendations on creating a master CV?

It is important to have a solid base from which to develop your CVs. Create a master CV that includes all your experience, skills and knowledge.

Create one in just 5 steps

Have you adapted your CV to fit your objectives?

No matter what type of application you send to a recruiter, you should always adapt your CV to the employer’s needs. How? By properly analyzing the job ad and information about the company you’re targeting.

Learn how to adapt your CV

Your CV: a few mistakes to avoid

Many applicants leave common, avoidable mistakes in their CV, which can hurt their chances.

Proof your CV to make sure it doesn't contain any of these mistakes

Students > Support and resources > Career management > CV and cover letter > Fix a CV That’s Hurting Your Chances