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Enjoying Quebec winters

Montréal winter weather

November – December

  • From 0 °C to 10 °C
  • Rain, snow, sleet

January – February

  • -10 °C on average
  • Coldest days: -30 °C
  • Sunny days: Ideal for winter sports
  • From 0 °C to 10 °C
  • Wet snow: Be sure to wear waterproof boots
  • From 10 °C to 15 °C
  • Be prepared for the occasional late-April snowstorm

To find out the weather

Environment Canada

The Weather Network

The wind-chill factor

Wind can significantly affect perceived temperatures. If the thermometer reading is -5 °C and the wind is blowing at 40 km/h, the temperature will feel like -20 °C.

Clothing tips

Choosing a winter coat

Choosing boots


Where to shop

Staying healthy in winter

A cold or the flu?

The difference between a cold and the flu

Health resources on campus

Are you lacking energy, feeling tired or depressed?

It is estimated that between 2-10% of Canadians are emotionally affected by the cold temperatures and lack of light in winter. If you are feeling tired or depressed, come and speak with us at Student Services. It will also do you good to step outside for regular walks, especially on sunny days.

Some tips

Embrace the cold

Take in some great winter events happening in Montréal and throughout Quebec.

Some online resources

Québec original (Quebec Ministry of Tourism)

Tourisme Montréal

Students > International students > Landing in Montréal: What to do first > Enjoying Quebec winters