Call Info-Santé at 811, 24/7. A nurse will respond to your questions and direct you to the appropriate resource according to the symptoms that you describe.
Call 911 in case of an emergency.
Find a clinic close to you:
Local community service centres (CLSC) offer many care services
Visit our web page for psychological support.
Listening, counselling, support, assistance, confidentiality. For all members of the HEC Montréal community.
Etching is an easy way to permanently label your belongings and make them much more difficult for thieves to resell. Etched valuables are much less attractive to potential thieves.
HEC Montréal has joined forces with the Montréal police department (SPVM) in a theft prevention program. Officers from neighbourhood police station 26 lend an etcher to students wishing to label their valuables, such as a computer, calculator, video player, bike, etc. We highly recommend that you take advantage of this free service.
HEC Montréal Security is responsible for handling lost and found objects in both the HEC Montréal buildings. Should you lose something, visit the security office of the building in which the item was lost.
HEC Montréal Security: