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Phase III – PhD dissertation

Maximum duration: 3 years

Approval by the Ethics Committee

Any PhD dissertation proposal, whether or not it involves human subjects, must be declared to the Research Ethics Board (REB) before Phase III approval.

Approval of Phase III

Your Phase III must be approved in the term following the comprehensive exam. To do so:

Supervisory committee

The role of the Phase III committee is to supervise your research and the writing of your dissertation. It may be different from the Phase II committee, but the rules for committee membership are the same. The chair of the committee (dissertation director) must be an associate or full professor at HEC Montréal.

Dissertation proposal

The dissertation proposal is a public oral presentation of your progress on your dissertation, supported by a written report approved and read by each member of the Phase III Committee before the proposal submission. For this purpose, the student must complete the form Approval Form - Public Presentation of a Dissertation Proposal at HEC Montréal.

You must submit your proposal in writing to each of the committee members and jointly agree on the date and time of your public presentation.

The Notice of submission of a dissertation proposal must be submitted at least three weeks in advance to the program administration.

Validation of the presentation of your dissertation

When preparing your initial version of your dissertation, you must contact a documentation technician at the HEC Montréal library, who will ensure that your dissertation meets presentation standards.

There are three models available to help you write your dissertation:

  1. Conventional model
  2. Dissertation consisting of papers
  3. LaTeX model

You are responsible for ensuring that your dissertation meets the established presentation standards.

Initial thesis submission

To do your initial dissertation submission, contact the progam administrative assistant at least three weeks before the term ends.

Complete the Notice of submission of a PhD dissertation and make sure you complete all items on the checklist.

Your director must submit the Appointment Form of a Doctoral Thesis Jury in the portal.

If your deadline for completing your PhD has expired, you may be re-admitted in order to submit your dissertation, under certain conditions. Complete the Short Administrative Request form.

You will have to pay the tuition fees for this extra term. 


The thesis jury may accept your dissertation for defence, reject it or allow you to submit it only once more, after corrections, within at most one year.

The date of the defence cannot be set until the jury has accepted your dissertation for defence purposes. It will take at least one month to organize the defence.

Your defence consists of a 45-minute public presentation, followed by a question period by the jury and audience.

Final thesis submission

In order to complete your final thesis submission you must:

The dissertation will be filed and kept in the HEC Montréal archives.

Students > My program > PhD in administration > Phases > Phase III – PhD dissertation