Le contenu

Applying for permanent residence

Are you looking to settle in Quebec after your studies? You will have to apply for permanent residence.

Application process

In order to work in Canada while you wait for permanent residence

Request a post-graduation work permit


Frequently asked questions

I just graduated but I am pursuing further studies. Can I apply for permanent residence?

Yes, you can continue your studies and apply for the Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) and the permanent residence.

How much can I expect to pay for the entire permanent residence process?

Approximately $2,500.


Can I apply for permanent residence and a post-graduation work permit at the same time?

Yes, you can. Both processes are completely separate from one another. Find out more about the post-graduation work permit.


Does the Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) replace the Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ)?

No, it does not. International students must hold a valid CAQ throughout their studies. This document attests to the student’s status, whereas the CSQ represents the first step towards obtaining permanent residence.


Does the CSQ give me the right to stay in Canada?

No, the CSQ does not offer any status in Canada. To legally remain in Canada, you must have a valid status of student or worker (through a post-graduation work permit). 


Do I need to have my bachelor’s degree by accumulating certificates or my B. Gest. in order to apply for permanent residence?

Yes, you do. If you find a job while waiting, you will have to apply for a post-graduation work permit, using your three attestations of studies completed. You will then receive a permit that allows you to work for up to three years.


Will I need to hire a lawyer or immigration specialist?

It is not necessary to hire a lawyer or immigration consultant to represent you on this case. If you do end up hiring one, make sure they are officially recognized.

Planning your future in Quebec

Find out about Accompagnement Québec service. This free and personalized service is designed to help immigrants integrate into the Quebec society.

Students > International students > Extending your stay in Canada > Applying for permanent residence