News room > Press releases > 2015 > Launch of a new school for executive education at HEC Montréal

Launch of a new school for executive education at HEC Montréal

The School is joining some major partners to better respond to the training needs of businesses in Quebec and the French-speaking world

Monday June 1, 2015

Today HEC Montréal is launching the École des dirigeants HEC Montréal, a one-stop centre for new executive education programs. To respond even more effectively to business needs, the School has joined forces with a number of public- and private-sector organizations recognized for their expertise and their deep roots in their respective fields.

The Conference Board of Canada, the Niagara Institute, the European Centre for Executive Development (CEDEP), the Fonds de solidarité FTQ and some twenty other public- and private-sector organizations are joining HEC Montréal academics and its 125 partner universities to help executives and managers master new management trends and turn them into competitive advantages.

HEC Montréal Director Michel Patry emphasizes: “For many years now, HEC Montréal has been creating programs to help develop management talent. The new École des dirigeants HEC Montréal and the resulting partnerships with public- and private-sector organizations will allow us to continue innovating in terms of both program content and teaching approaches.”

“Executive development is an essential tool at a time when innovation in economic models, organizations and team skills is an absolute must,” adds Alain Gosselin, the Director of the new school. This “one-stop centre will give executives and managers access to top-notch training programs that will help them meet economic challenges.”

To keep the new school attuned to executive and business training needs, Robert Dutton will be joining its team as an Adjunct Professor and Chair of the Advisory Committee. “In my view,” he says, “the knowledge and skills that professionals will acquire at the École des dirigeants HEC Montréal will improve their abilities to make decisions and act in increasingly uncertain times and open many promising doors for them.”

Daniel F. Muzyka, President and CEO of the Conference Board of Canada, says “The partnership between the new school and the Conference Board of Canada will enable the two organizations to combine their expertise and provide a customized response to the issues facing Quebec firms. It’s an excellent opportunity to innovate and to extend the boundaries of knowledge, to enhance their competitive edge and productivity.”


In addition to consulting some thirty Quebec firms so as to more clearly identify executive education needs, the École des dirigeants HEC Montréal conducted a comparative analysis of the top 30 universities in Canada, the United States and Europe. The result was the creation of this one-stop centre for very high-level executive education.

Over 80 qualifying and degree programs will be offered to meet the needs of professionals throughout their careers and help them keep abreast of advances in the constantly evolving field of management.

The École des dirigeants HEC Montréal will offer five types of programs:

  • degree programs (McGill-HEC Montréal EMBA, MBA, MBAITC)
  • qualifying programs (MBA essentials, Parcours Experts series)
  • short training programs on a range of themes
  • customized training programs
  • customized lectures and support programs

Many organizations are already planning to take advantage of this one-stop training centre, including the National Bank, the Coop fédérée and the SAQ.

Learn about all the training opportunities offered by the École des dirigeants HEC Montréal (in French).

Media materials

Messrs. Dutton and Gosselin are available to answer reporters’ questions.

The École des dirigeants HEC Montréal logo and official photos taken at the launch will be available for the media as of June 2.


Julie Lajoye, Media Relations Advisor – HEC Montréal
514 340-7320 or


About HEC Montréal

HEC Montréal is an internationally renowned French-language business school, with over 13,000 students. Every year it trains more than 8,000 executives and managers. The School holds many prestigious accreditations, and is one of the most active business schools in Canada in terms of research, thanks to some fifty research units, including 26 chairs (7 of them Canada Research Chairs). With a faculty of 260, HEC Montréal offers programs in several languages and attracts students from 147 countries. Since its founding in 1907, the School has trained more than 78,000 students in all fields of management. | Facebook | Twitter| Linkedin

For more information on the École des dirigeants HEC Montréal, contact:

Serge Lafrance, Adjunct Professor and Associate Director of the École de dirigeants HEC Montréal
514 340-6715 or