Entrepreneurship scholarships are designed to encourage entrepreneurship and to recognize future entrepreneurs.
Eligibility requirements
Consult the Scholarship Directory as eligibility requirements vary from one scholarship to another.
Submit an application
- Fill out the online form when competitions are open.
- Complete one form only for all entrepreneurship scholarships.
- Tip: Start preparing the documents to be submitted BEFORE the beginning of the competition (ex: business model, video, etc.).
The school agrees to respect the confidential nature of the projects submitted.
Documents to submit
Video tips:
- Be careful not to repeat information that has been presented in other documents.
- Make sure to upload your videos to YouTube and set visibility to unlisted. Check to make sure your YouTube link works. Send the link to another person and ask them to open it. If your link does not work, your file will be deemed incomplete.
- Aim to be original and creative. Do not simply read a text.
- Pay attention to the structure and clarity of the message, form, grabbing the audience’s attention, creativity, and technical aspects (audio, lighting, and the setting).
- Presentation video [1 to 2 minutes maximum]
- Who are you and who are your team members?
- What is your project?
- Why are you the best person or people for this project? (Why the entrepreneur is suited for this project)
- Where are you on your path as an entrepreneur and in the coaching you have received for your project?
- Why do you need a scholarship?
- Client pitch video [1 minute maximum]
Make a video addressing your clients (advertising slogan).
Using images and/or narration, show:
- What problem are you responding to?
- Who are your clients?
- What solution do you propose? What are you offering?
- How does it benefit your clients?
- How is the solution delivered to clients?
Creativity is very important at this stage. By the end of the video, a person should want to go buy your product or service.
- BMC video [3 minutes maximum]
For more information and help developing your Business Model Canvas©, see this tool.
Using the BMC dynamically, present your business model and the verification steps you have taken so far.
The jury expects to see the BMC presented in a way that is creative and that showcases the strengths of the tool and the key elements of your company.
- Put an effort into presenting a professional document.
- Pay special attention to clarity, spelling, grammar and syntax.
- Choose a typeface, font size, and page layout that is legible and uniform.
- Submit all your documents in PDF
- Executive summary [1 page]
- The entrepreneur and the project to be developed or company to create
- The problem to solve, and/or the business opportunity
- The products and services to offer
- The market and the clientele
- The main competitive advantage of your project
- The main reasons why the selection committee of an entrepreneur selection program should consider you and choose your project
- The societal impact of your project and the technological component, if applicable.
- CV [1 page]
- Highlight the experience and studies that show how the project and entrepreneur are aligned.
- Cover letter [1 page]
- Have you ever applied for a scholarship before?
- Why are you applying for this scholarship and what will this one help you to do?
- Why should you receive this scholarship?
- Letter of endorsement [1 page]
Who can write this letter for you?
- A business partner
- A client (current or potential)
- A supplier (current or potential)
- An important donor (do not ask a loved one).