Yossiri Adulyasak and Alexandre Jeanneret to hold new Canada Research Chairs
November 14, 2018
HEC Montréal has obtained two new Canada Research Chairs. Professors Yossiri Adulyasak and Alexandre Jeanneret have been appointed to hold the Canada Research Chair in Supply Chain Analytics and the Canada Research Chair in Macro Finance, respectively.
The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, federal Minister of Science and Sport, made the official announcement on November 13, when she revealed the details of the Canada Research Chairs Program. All in all, 285 new research chairs are being created, thanks to a $210 million investment over five years.
Each chair will receive $100,000 in annual funding over a renewable five-year period, for a total of $1 million per chair over ten years.
Supply chain analytics
The Chair in Supply Chain Analytics will focus on transforming the planning and execution processes through scientific advances that make use of operations research and machine learning techniques.
Research by Yossiri Adulyasak and his team will revolve around three objectives:
- seamless integration of planning and real-time execution, to deal with uncertainty
- supply chain resilience, to cope with unexpected disruptions
- supply chain intelligence, to constantly learn and adapt to the rapid changes in their environments
The Chair will also strive to bridge the gap between academics and practitioners and, in the end, enable Canadian firms to withstand global competition.
Macro finance
The Chair in Macro Finance aims to advance our knowledge of how economic and monetary conditions influence financial markets, with a particular focus on international economic issues.
The research by the team directed by Alexandre Jeanneret will help us understand how economic shocks are transmitted internationally, because of the globalized financial sector, and how they impact investors.
This research will also advance the study of the relationship between asset prices and economic activity. This will aid in our comprehension of global capital markets and will be valuable for academics, central bankers and the investment community.

Yossiri Adulyasak
Yossiri Adulyasak is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Logistics and Operations Management at HEC Montréal. Before joining the School, he was a postdoctoral research associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and then an expert in big data with JDA Labs in Montréal.
His research has been published in top-tier journals and presented at conferences on operations research, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
His scientific achievements include the development of fundamental research in operations research and machine learning and its application to real-world problems in the areas of production planning, inventory optimization, distribution management, demand forecasting, integrated supply chain systems and public transportation.
His research expertise also covers various methodologies such as large-scale optimization, stochastic programming, robust optimization, heuristics, the Markov decision process and several machine learning techniques used in supply chains. He is also a co-inventor of several patent applications in retail and supply chain analytics.

Alexandre Jeanneret
Alexandre Jeanneret is an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance and PhD Program Director in Finance at HEC Montréal.
Professor Jeanneret earned a PhD in Finance from the Université de Lausanne and the Swiss Finance Institute in 2010. He obtained a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of British Columbia in 2005 and an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Université de Lausanne in 2003.
His research interests include the valuation of sovereign debt and related credit derivatives; the analysis of currency risk and returns; the understanding of preferences and incomplete information on asset prices; and the role of inflation on corporate securities.
He has published in the Review of Finance, the Review of Finance Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Journal of Banking and Finance, and the Journal of International Money and Finance, among others. He has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, UCLA, and Université Paris-Dauphine.
Before joining the HEC Montréal faculty in 2010, he worked as an equity analyst at MSCI Barra and a consultant for the fixed-income team at the Pictet Group.