hec.ca > Programs > The GRE Admission Test

The GRE Admission Test


The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) mainly assesses your ability to reason and analyze by, among other things, having you write a text based on reasoned arguments. The test also evaluates more quantitative skills.

Preparing for the test

Please refer to the official GRE site.

Timetable and locations

The GRE is offered online and at designated test centres. It cannot be taken at HEC Montréal.

To find a test center, refer to the official GRE site.

Registration and fees

You are encouraged to register for the test several weeks before the admission application deadline.

For more information on registration and associated fees, refer to the official GRE site.


You can use the GRE Comparison Tool for Business Schools to better understand your score.

The test score is valid for five years from the date the test was taken.

Sending your score to HEC Montréal

1. You should receive your official score in the 10 days following your test. You are responsible for submitting a copy of your GRE score in HEC en ligne > Documents > Documents Upload, by no later than the admission application deadline. This copy is sufficient for your application process.

2. If admitted into the program in question, you must follow the procedure which allows HEC Montréal to verify your score in the GRE online portal. The code used for HEC Montréal is 7384.