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Decio Coviello

Professor,  Department of Applied Economics

Decio  Coviello

Contact information

HEC Montréal
3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7

Email : decio.coviello@hec.ca
Phone : 514-340-1601
Secretary: 514-340-6464
Fax : 514-340-6469
Office : 4.131

Personal page

Other title(s)

Chairholder Canada Research Chair in Economics


  • Ph.D. (Economics), European University Institute
  • Master of Advanced Studies in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Master (Economics and Finance), University of Naples Federico II


  • Political Economy
  • Procurement
  • Labor

Current research


This publication selection covers the last five years.


Journal articles (7)

COVIELLO, Decio, DESERRANNO, Erika, PERSICO, Nicola, SAPIENZA, Paola; « Effect of mood and worker incentives on workplace productivity† », Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, vol. 40, no 2, 2024, p. 362-393.

COVIELLO, Decio, DESERRANNO, Erika, PERSICO, Nicola; « Counterproductive Worker Behavior After a Pay Cut », Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 20, no 1, 2022, p. 222-263.

COVIELLO, Decio, MARINO, Immacolata, NANNICINI, Tommaso, PERSICO, Nicola; « Demand Shocks and Firm Investment: Micro-Evidence from Fiscal Retrenchment in Italy », The Economic Journal, vol. 132, no 642, 2022, p. 582-617.

COVIELLO, Decio, DESERRANNO, Erika, PERSICO, Nicola; « Minimum Wage and Individual Worker Productivity: Evidence from a Large US Retailer », Journal of Political Economy, vol. 130, no 9, 2022, p. 2315-2360.

COVIELLO, Decio, ICHINO, Andrea, PERSICO, Nicola; « Measuring the Gains from Labor Specialization », Journal of Law & Economics, vol. 62, no 3, 2019, p. 403-426.

CLARK, Robert, COVIELLO, Decio, GAUTHIER, Jean-François, SHNEYEROV, Artyom; « Bid Rigging and Entry Deterrence in Public Procurement: Evidence from an Investigation into Collusion and Corruption in Quebec », Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, vol. 34, no 3, 2018, p. 301-363.

COVIELLO, Decio, MORETTI, Luigi, SPAGNOLO, Giancarlo, VALBONESI, Paola; « Court Efficiency and Procurement Performance », The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 120, no 3, 2018, p. 826-858.

This selection of supervision activities covers the last five years.


Dissertation direction – PhD in Administration (2)

In codirection with : CLARK, Robert
Essais on Competition in Public Procurement, by Adriano De Leverano
November 2019

In codirection with : CLARK, Robert
Essays on Consumer Default, by Kiana Basiri
May 2019


Supervised project supervision – MSc in Management (10)

Analyse des effets de la Commission Charbonneau sur le marché des appels d'offres montréalais , by Léopold Engel
March 2024

The Wage Gap Between Native Canadians and Immigrants , by Hoai Nam Kevin Pham
October 2023

La migration interrégionale au Québec , by Guillaume Chartrand
May 2023

Price Fluctuations and Political Stability , by Rayan El Aroussi
March 2023

Gestion du cash des ATM de la Banque Populaire du Maroc: Utilisation des modèles de Machine Learning, Deep Learning et Time Series , by Oumayma Oussab
November 2022

Harsher sentences and deterrence , by François Samuel Caillé-Lévesque
March 2022

Defining the effects of network quality on consumer behaviour , by Mircea Lucian Rat
September 2021

The impact of a new feedback system on engagement: evidence from a randomized experiment at the National Bank of Canada , by Manal Sajia
March 2020

The impact of social corporate responsibility (CSR) on company value: Re-assessment of the causal evidence , by Angela Patricia Herrera Gomez
September 2019

Evidence of collusion in Laval asphalt projects , by Alexandre Garon-Bélanger
May 2019