News room > Press releases > 2014 > HEC Montréal displays some innovative inventions by the amazing Catalan creator and idea generator Pep Torres

HEC Montréal displays some innovative inventions by the amazing Catalan creator and idea generator Pep Torres

Wednesday May 28, 2014


HEC Montréal is proud to present an exhibition of innovations by the amazing Catalan creator and idea generator Pep Torres, in the TATA Communications room until June 11, 2014.

The Boundless Brain of a Creator is a unique interactive exhibition presenting some one hundred ideas by the Barcelona artist. Visitors will discover the many facets of his creative universe, where the focus is on the importance of creating, innovating and fearlessly taking on new challenges.


Pep Torres’ brain

The exhibition takes visitors somewhere no one has ever gone before: inside Pep Torres’ brain! There, they will learn why it is so important to create, think, invent, innovate, take risks, ask questions, get started, make mistakes, learn and celebrate creativity.  

Visitors will be able to try out the Synapse Machine, presenting Pep Torres’ creative memory in interactive form, stand under six “showers” and listen to the creator talking about his approach to the different creative disciplines and, finally, touch the creator’s workbench, since there’s no better way to sense an idea than by touching it!

Pep Torres urges visitors to let themselves be inspired by this interactive experience: “I hope that my creative mind will pique your curiosity, will get you asking yourself questions and discovering your unexploited thoughts and bring you lots of inspiration. But, PLEASE, don’t let the inspiration escape! Grab the spark and write it down, right here, in the spotlight. Start discovering your own creative mind!”

Curator Tere Romero says: “this exhibition absolutely had to take place. Entering into someone’s mind is a real challenge, but taking visitors inside Pep Torres’ brain is an even bigger one! It was the adventure of a lifetime for me!”

At the exhibition opening, Quebec artist Dulcinée Langfelder will present Pep Talk, a “comico-cerebral” dance paying tribute to Pep Torres and the way he encourages thinkers and creators of all origins and all ages.


About Pep Torres

Considered by Time magazine as one of the best inventors of 2009, Pep Torres is a stunning idea generator in marketing, music, design, concepts, furniture, inventions and social activism.

He is one of the most influential thinkers and creative professionals in Spain.  He is also the founder and CEO of the Museum of Ideas and Inventions of Barcelona, a space that has redefined creativity in the capital of creativity itself: Barcelona.  

Pep Torres is a major collaborator with the Montréal-Barcelona Summer School on Management of Creativity, an initiative of Mosaic, HEC Montréal’s multidisciplinary training and research centre specializing in the management of innovation and creativity.


About the exhibition

This exhibition, in Spanish with French and English subtitles, is open to everyone, free of charge, during regular hours at the HEC Montréal building located at 3000 chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine. Metro station: Université de Montréal.


About HEC Montréal

A world-class French-language business school with an emphasis on multilingual teaching, HEC Montréal has over 12,000 students and trains more than 7,000 executives and managers from all industries every year. The School holds numerous accreditations and offers some 40 academic programs at all levels of university education. With 264 professors and researchers trained at the world’s most prestigious universities, HEC Montréal boasts cutting-edge management teaching and research. Some fifty research units, including 26 chairs—7 of them Canada Research Chairs—give the School its reputation for innovation, attracting students from close to 140 countries. HEC Montréal was Canada’s first business school and has trained over 73,000 students in all fields of management since its founding in 1907. | Facebook | Twitter|Linkedin



Source: Julie Lajoye
Media Relations Advisor – HEC Montréal
514 340-7320 or