Emmanuel Raufflet and Nolywé Delannon recognized by the Academy of Management
August 31, 2017

Emmanuel Raufflet, a Full Professor in the Department of Management, and Nolywé Delannon, an Assistant Professor at Université Laval and PhD candidate at HEC Montréal, won the Best Paper Award in the Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, held in Atlanta from August 4 to 8.
Entitled Creolization as resistance to PCSR (Political Corporate Social Responsibility): the contested field of the past at the Guiana Space Center, the winning paper deals with the way a society’s collective memory and past negative experiences can hinder dialogue between a company and its host milieu. The paper focuses on a specific form of resistance to dialogue, termed Creolization, invisible to outside observers but with serious consequences for the firm.
Professor Raufflet, who is in charge of the DESS en gestion – développement durable, holds an MBA and a PhD from McGill University. He has been at HEC Montréal since 2002, specializing in corporate social and environmental responsibility and social innovation. Nolywé Delannon has a Specialized Graduate Diploma (DESS) from HEC Montreal. She is also pursuing a PhD in Administration.

Photo : Sébastien St-Jean/Agence QMI