Campus > Hélène Desmarais Building > Level 5

Hélène Desmarais Building - Level 5

Plan niveau 5

Aile A


A.514 Classroom | Papeete

A.536 Classroom | MNP

A.549 Classroom | Port Moresby

A.551 Classroom | GDI

Study areas and rooms

A.539a Study area | Youcef-Bouayad

A.545 Study room | Denis-Girouard

A.547 Study room | Laurent-Ferreira

A.563 Study room  | Chongqing

A.565 Study room | Colombo

A.567 Study room | Pierre-Cayouette (HEC 1997)

A.569 Study room | Guangzhou

A.579 Study room | Hô Chi Minh-Ville

A.594 Study room | Martin Papillon

A.599 Study area | Jaipur

Other spaces

A.542XT Terrace | Famille Cloutier et Bouchard

A.562 IT and audiovisual service counter

A.585 Computer workstations | Amir-Karim

A.586 Service counter | Bibliothèque Francine-Roy (library)

A.590 Financial information room | CTI Capital

Aile C


C.505 Classroom | Aimé-Quintal

C.515 Classroom | Guilford

C.521 Auditorium | Helsinki

C.539 Auditorium | Saïd Business School

Study areas and rooms

C.500a Study area | Dublin

C.500b Study area | Intact Assurance

C.500c Study area | Gothenburg

C.548 Study area | Dakar

Aile D

Carrefour logistique / Groupe de recherche sur la chaîne d’approvisionnement (CHAÎNE)

Institut canadien des dérivés (ICD)

Pôle dirigeant, dirigeante et direction stratégique

Pôle santé

Pôle sport