Le contenu


When you hear a fire alarm or an emergency intercom message to evacuate, please act promptly:

  1. Stop what you are doing in a safe manner.
  2. Close the doors as you leave.
  3. Evacuate the building through the nearest exit. Do not use the elevators.
  4. Keep right in the hallways and stairs to allow emergency teams to move in the other direction.
  5. Listen to security instructions.
  6. Move away from the building and go to the designated meeting site (Côte-Sainte-Catherine Building, Decelles Building, Hélène Desmarais Building).
  7. Re-enter the building only once you have been authorized to do so.


  • Become familiar with two staircases or two evacuation routes near your activities.
  • Know the location of the nearest manual fire alarm.
  • Know the location of the nearest portable fire extinguisher.
  • Become familiar with the evacuation plans available on each floor.

Security Service staff and the emergency measures team are there to ensure that the evacuation runs smoothly; follow their instructions and remain calm.

Security Service > Emergency measures > Evacuation