News room > Press releases > 2015 > SCMA and HEC Montréal announce a new Professorship to be held by Professor Jean Nollet

SCMA and HEC Montréal announce a new Professorship to be held by Professor Jean Nollet

Thursday June 11, 2015

The Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA) and HEC Montréal announce today that a new SCMA Professorship with an endowment of almost $750,000 will be held by Professor Jean Nollet at HEC Montréal until May 2019. Professor Nollet previously held the Chair in Supply Management at HEC Montréal and will now continue his work in the new SCMA Professorship.

In 2000, the Purchasing Management Association of Canada (PMAC), which later amalgamated with the Supply Chain and Logistics Association Canada (SCL) to become the SCMA, approached nine Canadian universities to submit an application for the establishment of a Chair in supply chain management. Professor Nollet and HEC Montréal were chosen and the announcement of the original initiative was made official on June 4, 2004. The funding provided on that date was $100,000 from the Canadian Purchasing Research Foundation (CPRF), plus an additional $15,000 every three months for the following four years for a total of $340,000.

 “We are very pleased to continue working with Professor Nollet and HEC Montréal. He has a long history of collaboration with SCMA, through the former PMAC, that goes back to 1985 and HEC Montréal has long been an advocate of the importance of SCM education, as shown by the inclusion of a procurement course in both their bachelor of commerce and masters programs already in 1976,” said Cheryl Paradowski, SCMA president and CEO.

Through a joint fundraising effort between CPRF and HEC Montréal, an additional $250,000 was obtained from another foundation. A former HEC Montréal graduate also made a donation that brought the total amount committed to the SCMA Professorship to almost $750,000.

“I am elated at the opportunity to work more closely with the SCMA members and I want to thank the Supply Chain Management Association for their commitment,” said Professor Nollet. “Supply chain management has become a key enabler to an interconnected world. This is a great opportunity for HEC Montréal to further its expertise in a critical business area.”

The conversion of the Chair in Supply Management to an SCMA Professorship was driven in part by the current objectives of HEC Montréal to establish closer ties with professionals in supply chain management, with an emphasis in this case to develop more collaboration with SCMA. This change provides more flexibility for the holder of the Professorship to engage in activities related to SCMA and its members, as well as other professionals in the field. However, Professor Nollet will continue performing cutting-edge research in the field, so that the academic and professional worlds can both benefit from his innovative work.


About SCMA

As the premier association in Canada for professionals in supply chain management, the Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA) is the national voice for advancing and promoting the profession. SCMA sets the standard of excellence for professional skills, knowledge and integrity and was the first supply chain association in the world to require that all members adhere to a Code of Ethics.

With nearly 7,500 members working across the private and public sectors, SCMA is the principal source of supply chain training, education and professional development in the country. Through its 10 Provincial and Territorial Institutes, SCMA grants the Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) designation, the highest achievement in the field and the mark of strategic supply chain leadership.


About HEC Montréal

HEC Montréal is an internationally renowned French-language business school, with over 13,000 students. Every year it trains more than 6,000 executives and managers.  The School holds many prestigious accreditations, and offers some 50 programs of study from the bachelor’s to doctoral levels. It is one of the most active business schools in Canada in terms of research, thanks to some 50 research units, including 26 chairs (7 of them Canada Research Chairs). With a faculty of 260, HEC Montréal offers programs in several languages and attracts students from 147 countries. Since its founding in 1907, the School has trained more than 78,000 students in all fields of management. | Facebook | Twitter | Linkedin



Amanda Cormier, Director, Public Affairs & Communications, SCMA
416 542-3860 -

Julie Lajoye, Media Relations Advisor, HEC Montréal
514 340-7320 -