News room > Press releases > 2014 > Major Comparative Study of Cost Systems: Quebec Organizations Invited to Participate

Major Comparative Study of Cost Systems: Quebec Organizations Invited to Participate

Thursday February 6, 2014

The CPA International Research Center in Management Control (CICPA) at HEC Montréal has launched an open call to participate in a broad-based comparative analysis of cost systems in Quebec organizations.

Small, medium and large organizations in the private, public and parapublic sectors throughout the province are invited to take part in this major study led by the CICPA in co-operation with the Ordre des CPA du Québec and sponsored by DECIMAL. “Depending on the organization, cost systems often play several roles, have quite different goals and are carried out in various ways. Our research team is aiming to identify the actual cost models in these organizations and to propose various best practices in different contexts,” explains Professor Hugues Boisvert, FCPA, FCMA, Chairholder and senior researcher for the project.

Data will be gathered up until March 30, 2014 and online registration is already underway.

In keeping with HEC Montréal's ethical standards, individual questionnaires will be fully confidential. They will be destroyed three to six months after they are submitted, and the results will be published only in collated form. Once the study is complete, the CICPA’s researchers will send a summary report of their findings to all participants. More detailed results will be presented at the Order’s symposium on cost systems best practices, to be held on May 22, 2014 at Montreal’s Holiday Inn, 420 Sherbrooke West.


About the CICPA
Under the directorship of  Hugues Boisvert, Ph.D, FCPA, FCMA, the
CPA International Research Center in Management Control specializes in the evaluation of  business processes through benchmarking, in the development of novel organizational performance analysis tools and advanced knowledge transfer by producing university-level teaching materials and works for the general public.

About HEC Montréal 
A world-class French-language business school with an emphasis on multilingual teaching, HEC Montréal has over 12,000 students and trains more than 7,000 executives and managers from all industries every year. The School holds numerous accreditations and offers some 40 academic programs at all levels of university education. With 264 professors and researchers trained at the world’s most prestigious universities, HEC Montréal boasts cutting-edge management teaching and research. Some fifty research units, including 26 chairs—7 of them Canada Research Chairs—give the School its reputation for innovation, attracting students from close to 140 countries. HEC Montréal was Canada’s first business school and has trained over 71,000 students in all fields of management since its founding in 1907. | Facebook | Twitter | Linkedin     

Contact : CPA International Research Center in Management Control  
Office :514 340-6047