News > 2016 > Governance, quality of financial information, and fraud: A new book takes an in-depth look at one of today’s major issues

Governance, quality of financial information, and fraud: A new book takes an in-depth look at one of today’s major issues

September 2, 2016

A new book by Associate Professor Julien Le Maux (Accounting) takes an approach that combines three topics: governance, the quality of financial information, and fraud.

“There is a real need for a more in-depth analysis of the links between the three themes in the book,” he explains. “The problems encountered by businesses in these three areas are complex and call for a case-by-case analysis to find solutions that are not simplistic.”

The first part of Gouvernance, qualité de l’information financière et fraude presents different analysis grids for evaluating governance quality and the risks associated with poor management of power and conflicts of interest in a company.

The second part is devoted to the quality of financial information. The goal is to learn how to properly read and interpret the results posted by organizations.

The third section looks at the battle against fraud, exposing different fraud techniques and describing the tools to detect them.

“The idea is to fight fraud more effectively with a more detailed analysis,” says Professor Le Maux. “Sometimes the solutions proposed to fight fraud are like 18th-century medicine: bleeding and amputations, instead of seeking the real causes of the disease.”

Different case studies also let readers put all the concepts and tools in the book into practice.

About the author

Professor Le Maux holds a PhD in Management Science and a Master’s in Finance from Université Paris 1 Sorbonne, as well as a Master’s in Business Law from Université 2 Assas. He is a certified fraud examiner (CFE) and a certified administrator (C.Adm). Before joining HEC Montréal in 2008, he was a senior lecturer at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

In 2014, he received an honourable mention in the university textbooks category, in the awards presented by the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Science, for his previous book, Analyse financière, published by Éditions Chenelière Éducation.

Gouvernance, qualité de l’information financière et fraude, published by Éditions JFD

Gouvernance, qualité de l’information financière et fraude, published by Éditions JFD, is available at COOP HEC Montréal.