MS1 fr-ca
MS2 Assistant Professor
MS3 Professeure adjointe
MS4 Professeure adjointe
MS2 Assistant Professor
MS3 Professeure adjointe
MS4 Professeure adjointe
Holly Howe
Professeure adjointe, Département de marketing
HEC Montréal3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7
Courriel :
Téléphone : Non disponible
Secrétariat: 514 340-6427
Télécopieur : n/d
Bureau : 4.721
Page Personnelle
- Ph. D. (marketing), Duke University
- M. Sc. (kinésiologie), University of Toronto
- B. Sc. (psychologie, cheminement honours), McMaster University
Recherche actuelle
- À venir
Cette sélection de publications couvre les 5 dernières années.
Articles de revues (10)
HOWE, Holly, WIENER, Hillary J.D., CHARTRAND, Tanya L.;
« Money can buy me love: Gifts are a more effective form of acute social support than conversations »,
Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2025 (statut : accepté).
HOWE, Holly, ZHOU, Lingrui, DIAS, Rodrigo S., FITZSIMONS, Gavan J.;
« Aha over Haha: Brands benefit more from being clever than from being funny »,
Journal of Consumer Psychology, vol. 33, no 1, 2023, p. 107-114.
MAKARA, Amanda, HOWE, Holly, COOPER, Marita, HECKERT, Kerri, WEISS, Samantha, KELLOM, Katherine, SCHARF, Danielle, UBEL, Peter A., ORLOFF, Natalia, TIMKO, C. Alix;
« Modifying an Open Science Online Grocery for parents of youth with anorexia nervosa: A proof-of-concept study »,
International Journal of Eating Disorders, vol. 56, no 5, 2023, p. 1011-1020.
WIENER, Hillary J.D., HOWE, Holly, CHARTRAND, Tanya L.;
« Being there without being there: Gifts compensate for lack of in-person support »,
Psychology & Marketing, vol. 39, no 6, 2022, p. 1267-1279.
MURRAY, Ross, HOWE, Holly, SYLVESTER, Benjamin, WILLSON, Erin, SABISTON, Catherine;
« Associations between resistance training motivation, behaviour and strength »,
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology , vol. 20, no 3, 2022, p. 965-980.
GITAU, Kevin, HOWE, Holly, GINSBERG, Lydia, PERL, Jeffrey, AILON, Jonathan;
« Therapeutic Cannabis Use in Kidney Disease: A Survey of Canadian Nephrologists »,
Kidney Medicine , vol. 4, no 5, 2022, p. 1-10.
HOWE, Holly, UBEL, Peter A., FITZSIMONS, Gavan J.;
« Open Science Online Grocery: A Tool for Studying Choice Context and Food Choice »,
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, vol. 7, no 4, 2022, p. 393-402.
KARLINSKY, April, HOWE, Holly, DE JONGE, Melissa, KINGSTONE, Alan, SABISTON, Catherine, WELSH, Timothy N.;
« Body Image and Voluntary Gaze Behaviors towards Physique-Salient Images »,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, no 5, 2021, p. 1-15.
TIMKO, C. Alix, BHATTACHARYA, Anushua, FITZPATRICK, Kathleen Kara, HOWE, Holly, RODRIGUEZ, Daniel, MEARS, Connor, HECKERT, Kerri, UBEL, Peter A., EHRENREICH-MAY, Jill, PEEBLES, Rebecka;
« The shifting perspectives study protocol: Cognitive remediation therapy as an adjunctive treatment to family based treatment for adolescents with anorexia nervosa »,
Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 103, 2021, p. 1-11.
DECELLES, Katherine A., ADAMS, Gabrielle, HOWE, Holly, JOHN, Leslie;
« Anger Damns the Innocent »,
Psychological Science, vol. 32, no 8, 2021, p. 1214-1226.
Cette sélection d'activités d'encadrement couvre les 5 dernières années.
Hiver 2024
MARK 10100A
MARK 60103A
Hiver 2023
MARK 10100A