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Société Héritage

“For more than 100 years, HEC Montréal has been contributing to the advancement of our society by shaping the next generation of business leaders! To support its development, I have planned a gift of life insurance and a bequest in my will.”

Jonathan Beauchesne, HEC Montréal 2009 and 2013

Société Héritage acknowledges and honours those who have pledged to secure the future of HEC Montréal through a provision in their will or a gift of life insurance. There are currently 165 members.

Bequests and gifts of life insurance are convenient, effective and affordable. Planned gifts are a way of leaving a meaningful legacy and reflecting the values you hold dear.

Our planned giving community is extremely important to us. Through their vision and their generosity, they are ensuring a sustainable future for the School and enabling us to face the challenges ahead with confidence and resolve.

Nathalie Pilon

“Making a gift in my will is a symbolic reminder of the important role played by HEC Montréal in my life, since this is where my professional life began! The needs of HEC Montréal evolve over time: by making a bequest to the Foundation, I am enabling it to support the School of the Future.”

Nathalie Pilon , HEC Montréal 1988
Our admiration today for gifts that will shape tomorrow

The HEC Montréal Foundation and Alumni Relations Office is grateful for the generosity and foresight of the members of Société Héritage and shows it in several ways:

  • Every new member has a tree planted in their name by Tree Canada in recognition of their gift.
  • A list of all the members of Société Héritage features in various documents and designated on-campus facilities.
  • Members are sent a special legacy giving newsletter twice a year.
  • Members are regularly updated on the School’s major projects, developments and achievements so they can appreciate the impact of their donation.

Get to know our Société Héritage donors

Pierre Alajarin, 1997

Clément Albert, 1974

Guy Archambault, 1953

Murielle Arsenault, 1968

Gilbert Babin

Marc-Antoine Baril, 2012

Raymond Barrette

Eve Beauchamp

Jonathan Beauchesne, 2009

Carmen M. Bélair

Guy Bélisle, 1976

Akram Bencherif, 2016

Georges-Étienne Bernier, 2007

Daniel Bienvenu, 1989

Sarin Boivin Picard, 2014

Sylvia Bologna, 1988

Lise Bordeleau

Philippe-Alexandre Bouchard, 2010

Patrice Bourbonnais, 1990

Jean-François Brodeur, 1988

Guy Brossard, 1970

Jean-Marc Brousseau, 1990

Patrick Bui, 2004

Manon Campbell, 1988

Pascale Cauchi, 1989

Jacques Chabot, 1962

Lyse Charette, 1999

Daniel Cimon, 2002

Jean-François Cloutier, 2008

Lynda Coache, 1990

Pierre L. Comtois, 1973

Pierre-L. Côté, 1967

Robert Coté, 1976

Roland Côté, 1955

Raymond J. Couture, 1961

Andrée Crevier, 1992

André Dasté, 2019

Lorenzo De Angelis, 2013

Pierre Desjardins, 1973

Philippe Dicaire, 1996

Hélène Dion, 1985 et François Charette*, 1959

Louis-Bernard Dubé, 2014

Philippe Dubuc, 2002

Ludovic Dumas, 2005

Moréno Dumont, 1970

Lionel Dupuis, 1975

Carl Dussault, 2010

Pierre Fitzgibbon, 1978

Thierry Fournier-Boyer, 2019

Guy Fréchette, 1970

Michel Gauthier, 2002

Marie-Claude Gévry, 1976

Jocelyne Gonthier, 1976 et Yvan Rondeau, 1973

Jean Grignon, 1972

Taïeb Hafsi

Francis Hally, 2012

Marie-Hélène Jobin

Laurent Joly, 1975

Mirzet Kadric, 2008

Amir Karim, 1992

Denyse L. Dagenais, 1968

Michel-André Laflamme, 1989

Mireille C. Lafond, 1979

Pierre Lainey, 2004

Marie-José Lalande

Cristine Lamoureux, 1992

Guy Langlois, 1966

Raymond Langlois, 1975

Paul Lanoie, 1982

Rachel Larabie, 1994

Louis Larivière, 1985

Pascal Larivière, 2016

Claude Laurin

Guy Le Blanc, 1968

Sylvain Le Saux

Claude Leblanc, 1976

Vincent Lefebvre, 2007

Marc André Lemieux, 2012

Pierre B. Lesage

Jean-François Marcoux, 1995

Philippe Martin, 2004

Frédéric Mayrand, 1988

Nicolas Mayrand, 2011

Vincent Morel, 1989

Marilyne Morrow, 1993

Bertin F. Nadeau, 1964

Gilles Nadeau, 1963

Hugo Naneix, 2019

Marc-André Nantais, 2003

Vincent Otis-Duhamel, 2012

Michelle Paquin, 2008

Alain Paris, 1969

Federico Pasin

Michel Patry, 1978

André Pelletier, 2005

Isabelle Perras, 1989

Nathalie Pilon, 1988

Miriam Pratte, 2012

Jean Rastoul, 1966

Suzanne Rémy, 1991

Nicole Rivet

Janie Robillard, 2010

Sylvain Robillard, 1989

Claude Séguin, 1972 et Francine Roy, 1972

Louise Singer, 1982 et Avrum Miller

Sébastien Souligny, 2004

Famille St-Amour

Jean Philippe St-Pierre, 2011

Jean Talbot, 1974

Louis-M. Tessier, 1959

Paul-A. Théberge, 1960

Alexandre Timothy, 2008

Robert Tozzi, 1990

Cora Mussely Tsouflidou

Mariama Zhouri, 2005

Succession François-Albert Angers

Succession André-Bergevin

Succession Jacques P. Bertrand

Succession Jean-Pierre Chartrand

Succession Danielle Dagenais-Pérusse

Succession Benoit-Duchesne

Succession Claude Dupuis

Succession François Fournelle

Succession Léopold Gagnon

Succession Alexandre A. Grimard

Succession Jean Guénette

Succession June Hébert

Succession Albert-Hudon

Succession Jean-Charles Lafond/Trust Banque Nationale INC.

Succession Jacques Landreville

Succession Pierre-André Lavoie

Succession Alma-Lepage

Succession Peter R.D. MacKell

Succession Gilles Mercure

Succession Roland et Germaine Plante

Succession Gérard Plourde

Succession Aimé Quintal

Succession Pierre Robitaille

Succession Louis-Philippe Rondeau

Succession Léo-Paul Roy

Succession Léo-Scharry

Succession Pierre St-Germain

Succession Marguerite Thibault

Succession André Trudeau

Succession André Waechter

* Posthumous gift

Are you inspired by what our Société Héritage members have accomplished?

Our team will work with you to establish a donation strategy that will help you meet your charitable giving goals.

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