Le contenu
QTEM in the Master of Science (MSc) program

Eligibility requirements

  • Reach a 3.3 GPA or better at the B.B.A. or M.Sc.
  • Be enrolled in one of the Master's programs listed below:
    Supervised project Stream:
    • Finance
    • Financial Engineering
    • Global Supply Chain Management
    • Data Science and Business Analytics
  • Have completed a first semester of full-time studies (minimum 9 credits) at HEC at the time of departure.
  • Be able to complete the preparatory phase in a timely manner.
  • Have obtained the result of the GMAT Focus Edition (minimum recommended 595 points) and the language tests.
  • Have expressed your QTEM destination preferences by considering the following aspects:
    • Courses offering
    • Language of teaching
    • Academic calendar
    • Cost of living
  • Complete the application (Qualtrics) within the deadlines

The candidates will be evaluated based on these requirements:

  • Academic excellence
  • Mastery of English
  • Quantitative competence
  • Previous international experience
  • Professional background / extracurricular
  • Quality of the application


Geneviève Benoit
Program manager – Student Mobility
International Activities and Student Mobility
514 340-6327

QTEM in the Master of Science (MSc) program > Eligibility requirements