Frequently Asked Questions
Armed intruder emergency measures drill
- Why is the HEC Montréal Security Department conducting an armed intruder emergency measures drill?
The School has established emergency response protocols to keep the entire HEC Montréal community safe, for instance in the event of an armed intruder. Although this kind of event is extremely rare, it can occur. If it does happen, it is essential to know how to react. Just like fire drills, the armed intruder drill will ensure that everyone knows exactly what to do in an emergency.
- What will happen during the armed intruder emergency measures drill?
During the drill, a lockdown message (telling everyone to take cover) will be sent to all HEC Montréal telephones and all classroom screens. Unlike in a fire, no alarm will be sounded. You will need to respond appropriately, by taking cover or leaving the building (lockdown or evacuation procedures).
- What can I do to prepare for the drill?
- Watch the online training video.
- Be sure that you know what to do in the event of an armed intruder and familiarize yourself with the lockdown and evacuation procedures.
- The better you know your surroundings, the more you will be able to react quickly. You can start preparing now. Look around you: your office, your classrooms, the area where you eat. Identify the nearest exits. Check whether the doors lock, and how. What would be the best way to hide so that you couldn’t be seen or heard or hurt?
- I just watched the on-line training video about what to do in the event of an armed intruder and I have some questions. Who can I ask?
The HEC Montréal Security Department can answer your questions. You can call them at 514 340-6611 or send them an e-mail
- The emergency measures drill is making me anxious. Where can I get some support?
Free and confidential psychological support is available for employees and students:
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Téléphone : 1 888-687-9197
Psychological support service: Téléphone : 514-340-6166 E-mail :
In an emergency – armed intruder
- What should I do if I see someone acting aggressively or oddly, who seems to want to hurt people or cause damage, or has a weapon?
Immediately call 911 if you see anyone with a weapon, so that the police can intervene quickly. Then call the HEC Montréal Security Department at 514 340-6611.
- How will I be informed about an armed intruder?
As soon as the School’s security officers are informed of the situation, a lockdown message (telling everyone to take cover) will be sent to all HEC Montréal telephones and all classroom screens. Unlike in a fire, no alarm will be sounded, and it is essential that you not set off an alarm, as that could encourage people to leave their hiding places, and possibly put their lives in danger. Don’t wait for this message before you act, though. If you hear or see something suspicious, act promptly!
- When will a lockdown (armed intruder) be launched?
A lockdown may be launched for various reasons, including a violent or potentially violent incident inside the School that poses a threat to people’s safety.
- How will I know whether it is safer to take cover or leave the building?
Depending on where you are, you will have to decide whether it is safer to leave the building or take cover. Evaluate your risk level by asking yourself:
- Is the armed intruder nearby?
- Am I close to a building exit?
If you can get out of the building safely, do so quickly and quietly. Watch for any change in the situation. Tell anyone you meet to leave the building immediately.
If you can’t leave the building safely, take cover. Evaluate your options by asking yourself:
- Is the armed intruder nearby?
- Am I already in a room where I can safely take cover, where there is less chance of being seen, heard or hurt?
- Otherwise, where is the nearest safe room?
If the situation allows, encourage anyone near the safe room to take cover there. Lock the doors and, if necessary, block them with furniture to keep the intruder out.
- If there is an armed intruder and I leave the building, what should I do once I’m outside?
Once you are safe, call 911. Don’t assume that someone else has already called. Tell them where the individual is and describe him or her. Then call the HEC Montréal Security Department, at 514 340-6611, and then you can call your family and friends to tell them that you are safe.
- Will the police respond quickly?
In just a matter of minutes, because since the incident at the École Polytechnique, police officers now enter the building as soon as they arrive on the scene.
In a classroom or your office
- I’m in my office and I get a lockdown message on my telephone. I don’t see anything worrying or any suspect in the hallway and I don’t hear any shots. What should I do?
All lockdown messages must be taken seriously. Follow the lockdown procedure.
- What should I do if my classroom or office has a window giving onto a hallway?
Make sure you can’t be seen. Turn off the lights, and stay away from any windows on the hallway. Cover the window if necessary. Minimize the chances of being hurt by staying far away from the doors and windows or hiding behind sturdy furniture. Turn off your computer and switch your cell phone to vibrate.
- Is it up to my prof or immediate superior to take charge and tell me what to do?
Yes, of course it would be ideal if someone in authority could tell you what to do and make sure that the people in his or her charge are safe. On the other hand, you shouldn’t wait for this to happen, because individuals will all react differently and may not be able to take charge given the stress, panic, etc. That’s why it is essential for you to know what to do and to be familiar with the lockdown and evacuation procedures.
- When will the lockdown be over?
Wait for instructions from police officers or emergency response personnel before leaving the building. Never open the door to someone claiming to be from the Security Department or police – they will open all doors themselves to announce the end of the lockdown.
- I still have some questions about what to do in the event of an armed intruder. Who can I ask?
Feel free to contact the HEC Montréal Security Department, at 514 340-6611 or by e-mail