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Amrouche N., Ben Rhouma, T. and G. Zaccour. Is Umbrella Branding Strategy always Profitable for Private Labels? Production and Operations Management (Submitted)
Ben Rhouma, T. and G. Zaccour (2010), « An Empirical Investigation of Late Bidding in Online Auctions », Economic Letters, volume 117, issue 3, p.715-717.
Ben Rhouma, T. Optimal Acquisition and Retention Strategies of New Subscribers Services. INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Boston, 2012
Ben Rhouma, T. Optimal Acquisition and Retention Strategies of New Subscribers Services. Journées de l’optimisation, Montréal, Québec, 2011
Ben Rhouma, T., Les enchérisseurs tardifs sur eBay : étude de sensibilité. Journées de l'optimisation, Montréal, Québec, 2009.