d’Astous, A., J.-M. Fallu et L. Boujbel (2016). “Explaining Consumers’ Inclination to Avoid Market Offerings from Unethical Companies: A Study in China,” 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference, Kyoto, Japon, 3-4 avril.
BOUJBEL, L., A. d’Astous, « La consommation de tabac chez les jeunes : Une étude comparative Canada-Tunisie, » 14th International Marketing Trends Conference, Paris, 23-24 janvier 2015.
DESCHENES, Jonathan "Entre Donateur et Entrepreneur : Quelle Place pour le Collecteur de Fonds de Tierce Partie?" 9ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation, Nantes, mai 2015. Avec Valérie Grandbois et Jean-François Lalonde*.
DESCHENES, Jonathan “Partenariats entre Entreprises Privées et OBNL : Un Regard Exploratoire de la Perspective des Donateurs,” International Marketing Trends Conference, Paris, janvier 2015. Avec Danilo C. Dantas* et Claude Perreault.
LABRECQUE, J. Cosommateurs et économie circulaire, Table ronde coorganisée par Humaniterre et l’Institut EDDEC sur l’économie circulaire, 2015
TELLIER, Sébastien; GEBHARDT, Gary; MARCOUX, Jean-Sébastien . «Citizen Orientation: Replacing the Market in the Political Landscape» 2015 Winter Marketing Educators' Conference - Marketing in a Global, Digital and Connected World San Antonio, Texas, 2015.
Akhavannasab S., Dantas D. C., Sénécal S., (2014) "Consumer Empowerment: The Framework",Association of Marketing Theory and Practice – AMTP Conference, Hilton Head, Caroline du Sud, États-Unis.
Brouard, Myriam and Jean-Sébastien Marcoux (2014), “Consuming the “right" immoderate way”, CCT Conference, Helsinki, Finlande, 26-29 juin.
Deschênes, Jonathan, “Is the Third-party Fundraiser an Entrepreneur? Reflection on the Entrepreneurship Act”, CCSBE Conference, Antigonish, (2014). Avec Jean-François Lalonde* et Valérie Grandbois.
Deschênes, Jonathan (2014), “Preliminary Reflections on the Nature of Third-Party Fundraising: Insights from Canada and China,” China Marketing International Conference, Wuhan. Avec Yanan Wang*, Jean-François Lalonde* et Valérie Grandbois.
Deschênes, Jonathan (2014), “Consumer Society as a Modern Lover’s Happy Hunting Ground: A Year Inside the Seduction Community”, Brands and Brand Relationships Conference, Boston. Avec Patrick Bilodeau.
Ghadami, F., Y. Grégoire, D. Larocque, S. Senecal, and S. Laporte (2014), “Is Revenge Sweet? The Differentiated Effects of Direct vs. Indirect Behaviors on Consumers’ Desire for Revenge,” 2014 Winter Society for Consumer Psychology, Miami, Florida.
Ghadami, F., Y. Grégoire, D. Larocque, S. Laporte, and S. Senecal (2014), “The Boundary Role of the Type of Revenge Behaviors: Longitudinal and Experimental Approaches,” 2014 Association for Consumer Research, October, Baltimore.
Gäthke, J., K. Gelbrich, and Y. Grégoire (2014), “How Much Should Firms Offer to their Best Customers? Understanding the Moderation Effect of Relationship Quality on the Nonlinear Effect of Compensation on Satisfaction,” 2014 Summer AMA, San Francisco, California.
Labrecque, J. Lessard, S. (2014). Aliments qualifiés de santé : ce que recherchent les consommateurs, BENEFIQ, Québec 23 septembre.
Labrecque, J. (2014). Évolution des SMV au Canada : le cas de la distribution alimentaire, Séminaire donné à l’Audencia, 6 mars.
Mulder, M., J. Joireman, and Y. Grégoire (2014), “Growing Nonprofit Giving via Peer-to Peer Connections: Benefits and Potential Backlash” American Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Lima, Peru.
Sarkees, M., Y. Grégoire, and J. Hulland (2014) “The Rise and Fall of Charles Schwab: Explaining the Positive and Negative Effects of Dynamic Capabilities Using the Service-Dominant Logic,” 2014 Winter AMA, Orlando, Florida.
Sredl, Katherine, Catherine A. Coleman, Linda Tuncay Zayer et Marie-Agnès Parmentier (2014), “A Feminism of a Generation: Examining Multi-Platform Consumption of GIRLS,” 12th Conference on Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behavior, 24-26 juin, Helsinki, Finlande.
Taboubi, Sihem; BURATTO, Alessandra, «Optimal Advertising Strategies for Contingent Products in a Dynamic Context» Sixteenth International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 2014
Taboubi, Sihem; BURATTO, Alessandra, «Optional-Contingent-Products Pricing and Advertising Strategies: A Dynamic Approach», Fifth Workshop on Dynamic Games in Management Science, HEC Montréal, Montréal, 2014
Balloffet, Pierre (2013), Au delà de la seule posture, la définition de la marque responsable et durable : le cas de Bell et du Cirque du Soleil, Colloque – Communication de la responsabilité sociale des organisations : le défi de la crédibilité, 81e congrès de l’ACFAS Université Laval (Québec), 6-10 mai
Fischer, Eileen, Robert V. Kozinets, Marie-Agnès Parmentier and Sarah Scarborough-Wilner (2013), “Crafting Consumer Research Contributions from Qualitative Data: A Sociological Perspective,” 7th Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research, 11-12 avril, Bruxelles, Belgique
Haj-Salem, N., Y. Grégoire, J.C. Chebat, and M. Saulnier (2013), “Effects of Perceived Justice and Switching Barriers on Loyalty Behavior: An Empirical Comparaison between B2B and B2C Customers,” 2013 Service Frontiers, Taiwan, Taipei.
Rohani, M., Y. Grégoire, R. Legoux, and J.C. Chebat (2013), “Does Time Heal Wounds or Does it Fuel the Fire: The Effects of Mere-Measurement and Time on Customer Revenge,” 32nd Annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference – Society for Consumer Psychology, June, San Diego.
Rohani, M., Y. Grégoire, R. Legoux, and J.C. Chebat (2013), “Pour Oil on Troubled Water: The Effects of Mere-Measurement and Time on Customer Desire for Revenge,” AMA Winter’s Educator Conference, February, Las Vegas.
Balloffet, Pierre (2012), The Cat Side of Us, Summer School on Management of Creativity in an Innovation Society (Montréal & Barcelone, Espagne), 29 juin-14 juillet
Balloffet, Pierre (2012), La marque et la ville, Journées « Économie et management de la créativité », SKEMA Business School (Sophia-Antipolis, France), 18-20 octobre
Balloffet, Pierre (2012), Une autre définition de la marque, École d’automne en management de la créativité (Strasbourg, France), 5-10 novembre
Carrillat, F.A, A. d’Astous, and V. Davoine (2012), “The Sponsor-Audience Geographical Match as a Dimension of Event-Sponsor Fit: An Investigation in France and Canada,” ANZMAC Conference, Australia.
Carrillat, F. A., A. d’Astous, and F. Bellavance (2012), “On ‘Being There’: The Effectiveness of Sporting Event Sponsorship in On-Site versus Media Environments,” Research Conference in Sports Marketing, The Warsaw Sports Marketing Center, Portland, University of Oregon.
Carrillat, François A. Alain d’Astous, et Victor Davoine (2012), “The Sponsor-Audience Geographical Match as a dimension of Event-sponsor fit: An investigation in France and Canada”, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Adelaide, Australie.
Carrillat, François A., Renaud Legoux, et Annick Beaupré (2012), “The moderating impact of cognitive complexity and need for cognition on the “match-up” effect in celebrity endorsement”, Association for Consumer Research Asia Pacific, Queenstown, Nouvelle-Zélande.
Grégoire Y., Legoux R., and Sarker S. (2012), “What Do Online Complainers Want? Understanding and Managing the Vigilante vs. Reparation-Oriented Complainers,” AMA Summer's Educators' Conference, Chicago (abstracted in the proceedings).
Hopkins, L, Brady M., and Grégoire Y. (2012), “Revenge or Reconciliation? Consumer Responses to Firm-Induced Relationship Termination,”AMA Summer's Educators' Conference, Chicago (abstracted in the proceedings).
Prom Tep, S.; Sénécal, S.; Dufresne, A., and Viau, C. (2012), “Web Site Sociability and Online Contribution: The Mediating Role of Emotions,” ERGO’IHM 2012, October, Biarritz, France.
Sénécal, S.; Léger, P-M.; Fredette, M.; Riedl, R. (2012), “Consumers' Online Cognitive Scripts: A Neurophysiological Approach,” International Conference on Information Systems, December, Orlando, Florida.
Sénécal, S., Léger, P-M., Fredette, M., & Riedl, R. (2012) Consumers’ Online Cognitive Scripts: A Research Program Based on Neurophysiology; Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2012. June, Gmunden, Austria.
Savignac, Benoit M., Marie-Agnès Parmentier and Jean-Sébastien Marcoux (2012), “Consumer-Bloggers Mobilized in Marketing Campaigns: A Study of Opinion Leaders” Authenticity Management in a Streetwear Community,’ Association for Consumer Research Conference, 4-7 octobre, Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique, Canada.
Ulaga, Wolfgang and James M. Loveland (2012), "Implementing Service Growth Strategies in Industrial Markets: The Role of the Sales Force," Paper presented at American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago, IL, August 19, 2012.
Ulaga, Wolfgang and James M. Loveland (2012), "Aligning the Industrial Sales Force with Service Growth Strategies: Key Challenges for Selling Hybrid Offerings in Business Markets," Paper presented at ISBM Academic Conference, Chicago, IL, August 15, 2012
Ulaga, Wolfgang and James M. Loveland (2012), "Are Product Sales People From Mars and Service Sales People From Venus? Challenges in Implementing B2B Service Growth Strategies at the Industrial Sales Force Level," Invited paper presentation at inaugural Thought Leadership on the Sales Profession Conference, Harvard Business School, June 5, 2012.
Zhou, L. and A. d’Astous (2012), “Consumer Responses to Negative Product Publicity: The Interplay between Locus of Attribution, Involvement, and brand Equity,” Proceedings of the 2012 Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Xiamen, China.