Aljukhadar, M., S. Sénécal (2016). "The User Multifaceted Expertise: Divergent Effects of the Site versus E-Commerce Expertise," International Journal of Information Management, vol.36, p.322-332.
Carrillat, F.,A. et A.d’Astous (2016). «Leveraging Research on Activation: Quester and Thompson’s (2001) Impact on the Field of Sponsorship,» in Making a Difference through Marketing: A Quest for Diverse Perspectives, éds. Carolin Plewa et Jodie Conduit, Springer Singapour, p. 13-24.
Dantas, D., F. Colbert (2016). « Le Festival de Lanaudière : la différentiation par l’expérience client », International Journal of Arts Management, vol. 18, no 3.
Grégoire, Y. and R. Legoux (2016). “Le Coût de la Mauvaise Foi Corporative,” Gestion, vol. 40, no 2, p.32-36
Gruber, Verena, Christina Holweg, and Christoph Teller (2016). "What a Waste! Exploring the Human Reality of Food Waste from the Store Manager’s", Perspective Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, vol. 35, no 1, p.3–25
Joireman, Jeff, Yany Grégoire and Thomas M. Tripp (2016). "Customer forgiveness following service failures", Current Opinion in Psychology, vol. 10, p. 76-82.
Legoux, R., D. Larocque, S. Laporte, S. Belmati, & T. Boquet (2016). "The effect of critical reviews on exhibitors' decisions: Do reviews affect the survival of a movie on screen?", International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol.33, no 2, p. 357-374.
McGrath, T., R. Legoux, and S. Sénécal (2016). “Balancing the score: the financial impact of resource dependence on symphony orchestras," Journal of Cultural Economics, p. 1-19.
Nepomuceno, M.V., G. Saad, E. Stenstrom, Z. Mendenhall and F. Iglesias (2016). "Testosterone at your fingertips: Digit ratios (2D:4D and rel2) as predictors of courtship-related consumption intended to attract and retain mates", Journal of Consumer Psychology, vol. 50, no 1, p. 124-144.
Nepomuceno, , M.V., G. Saad, E. Stenstrom, Z. Mendenhall and F. Iglesias (2016). “Digit ratios (2D:4D) and sexual gifts: The moderating role of mating confidence and relationship length”. Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 91, p. 27-30.
Nepomuceno, , M.V. and M. Laroche (2016). "Do I fear death? The effects of mortality salience on individuals who score high on anti-consumption lifestyles". Journal of Consumer Affairs (special issue on Anti-consumption and well-being), vol. 26, no 2, p. 231-244.
Ngendakuriyo Fabien, Sihem Taboubi (2016). "Pricing Strategies of Complementary Products in Distribution Channels: A Dynamic Approach Dynamic Games and Applications", p. 1-19.
Parmentier, Marie-Agnès (2016). "Hign heels", Consumption Markets & Culture, vol.19, no. 6, p. 511-519.
Purmehdi, M., R. Legoux, F. Carrillat and S. Sénécal (Forthcoming), “The Effectiveness of Warning Labels for Consumers: A Meta-Analytic Investigation into Their Underlying Process and Contingencies,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.
Recaman, A-L, F. Colbert (2016). “Tania Pérez-Salas, Dancer And Choreographer: From Artistic Creation To Management Of A Cultural Enterprise”, International Journal of Arts Management, Special Edition-Spring 2016, p. 232-260.
Ruiz-Guttiérrez, J, P.S. Grant, F. Colbert (2016). « Arts and Culture Management/Gestion Cultural Y De Las Artes : Arts Management in Developing Countries : A Latin American Perspective », International Journal of Arts Management, Special Edition-Spring 2016, p. 6-31.
Ahmed, S.A et A. d’Astous (2015), «Canada-Taiwan Differences in Product-Country Perceptions,» International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 25, No. 1, 38-51.
Boujbel, L. et A. d’Astous (2015), « Exploring the Feelings and Thoughts that Accompany the Experience of Consumption Desires,» Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 32, No. 2, 219-231.
Carrillat, F.A., A d’Astous, F. Bellavance et F. Eid (2015), «On ‘Being There’: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Sporting Event Sponsorship among Direct and Indirect Audiences», European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 49, No. 3/4, 621-642.
Dussart, Christian (2015), «Modèles d’affaires : transformation numérique en vue», Gestion, Vol 40, N° 1, Printemps, 6p
Gelbrich, K., J. Gäthke, and Y. Grégoire (2015), “How Much Compensation Should a Firm Offer for a Flawed Service? An Examination of the Non-Linear Effects of Compensation on Satisfaction,” Journal of Service Research, 18 (1), 107-123.
Grégoire Y., A. Salle and T. Tripp (2015) “Managing Social Media Crises with your Customers: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” Business Horizons, 58 (2), 173-182.
Labonté-LeMoyne, E., Santhanam, R., Léger, P-M., Courtemanche, F., Fredette, M., and Sénécal, S. (2015), “The Delayed Effect of Treadmill Desk Usage on Recall and Attention,” Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 1-5.
Martín-Herrán, G. and Taboubi, S. (2015) “Price Coordination in Distribution Channels: A Dynamic Perspective”. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 240, p. 401-414. Version published online: 13-SEP-2014. DOI information: 10.1016/j.ejor.2014.07.022
Parmentier, Marie-Agnès et Eileen Fischer (2015), “Things Fall Apart: The Dynamics of Brand Audience Dissipation,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41, (Février): 1228-1251.
Legoux, Renaud, Denis Larocque, Sandra Laporte, Soraya Belmati and Thomas Boquet (2015), “The effect of critical reviews on exhibitors' decisions: Do reviews affect the survival of a movie on screens? International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming.
Salle, A., T. Dupont, M.C. Lacerte, and Y. Grégoire (2015), “Comment Implanter une Stratégie Omnicanal: Une Illustration avec le Secteur de l’Alimentation au Québec,” Gestion: Revue Internationale de Gestion, 39 (4), 39-49.
Sandra Laporte & Gilles Laurent (2015), “More Prizes are not always more Attractive: Factors Increasing Prospective Sweepstakes Participants’ Sensitivity to the Number of Prizes”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43 (3), pp. 395-410.
Turgeon, Normand (2015), « Évoluer en développement des affaires : Atouts, Attraits, Attentes et Aspirations pour ces professionnels de la commercialisation», Gestion, Revue Internationale de gestion, Vol. 39, no 4, Hiver, p. 56-66
Turgeon, Normand (2015), «Business Development Jobs: What Scaling the Ladder Entails», 13 pages. (Article à paraître dans International Journal of Marketing Studies)
Turgeon, Normand (2015), «What’s in Business Development Jobs: Exploring Roles, Requirements and Rewards across Cultures», 15 pages. (Article soumis à Career Development International)
Turgeon, Normand, Sara Loudyi, Brendan Gray, (2015), «Feeling the Effects of a Competitor’s Product Recall: Lessons Learned by Quebec SMEs in the Cheese Sector», Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, Vol. 27, pp. 1-14.
ALJUKHADAR, M., Sénécal, S. and Nantel, J. (2014), “Is More Always Better? Investigating the Task-Technology Fit Principle in an Online User Context,” Information and Management, 51(4), 391-397.
BALLOFFET, Pierre; COURVOISIER, François H.; LAGIER, Joëlle (2014) «From Museum to Amusement Park: The Opportunities and Risks of Edutainment» International Journal of Arts Management Vol. 16, no 2 Hiver 2014, p. 4-18 (25725)
BÉROARD, Élodie and Marie-Agnès Parmentier (2014), «Les rôles et les pratiques des médias lors d’un scandale impliquant une marque-personne,» Revue Gestion, 39 (1): 24-37.
BRESSOLLES, G., Durrieu, F., and Sénécal, S. (forthcoming), (2014)“A Consumer Typology Based on Electronic Service Quality and Website Satisfaction,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
COUTURE, A.; Arcand, M., Sénécal, S, and Ouellet, J.-F. (forthcoming),(2014) “Online behavior of tourism innovators,” Journal of Travel Research.
LAPORTE, Sandra & Gilles Laurent (2014), “More Prizes are not always more Attractive: Factors Increasing Prospective Sweepstakes Participants’ Sensitivity to the Number of Prizes”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming.
LÉGER, P-M., Sénécal, S., Courtemanche, F., Fredette, M., Titah, R. Ortiz de Guinea, A., and Labonté, E. (forthcoming),(2014) “Applying Eye Fixation-Related Potentials to Information Systems Research: Demonstration of the Method during Natural IS Use and Guidelines for Research," Journal of the Association of Information Systems.
RADIGHIERE, J., B. John, Y. Grégoire, and J. Johnson (2014) “Ingredient Branding and Feedback Effects: The Impact of Product Outcomes, Initial Parent Brand Strength Asymmetry, and Parent Brand Role,” Marketing Letters, 25 (2), 123-138.
SÉNÉCAL, S., Kalczynski, P., and Fredette, M. (2014), “Dynamic identification of anonymous consumers’ visit goals using clickstream,” International Journal of Electronic Business, 11(3), 220-233.
Aljukhadar, M. Sénécal, S., and Daoust, C-E (2013), "Using Recommendation Agents to Cope with Information Overload," International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 17 (2), 41-70.
Besharat Ali, Daniel M. Ladik, et François A. Carrillat (2013), “Are Maximizers Blind to the Future? When Today’s Best Does Not Make for a Better Tomorrow”, Marketing Letters.
Boujbel, L. et A. d’Astous (2012), «Voluntary Simplicity and Life Satisfaction: Exploring the Mediating Role of Consumption Desires,» Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 11, No 6, 487-494.
Bries, Barbara & Sandra Laporte (2013), “A Wallet Full of Calories: The Effect of Financial Dissatisfaction on the Desire for Food Energy”, Journal of Marketing Research, 50 (6), pp. 767-781.
Brunet, Johanne, Jonathan Deschenes et Emanuelle Lambert (2012), “La gestion des magasins entrepôts : défis et stratégies”, Gestion, Revue Internationale de Gestion, vol. 37 (2), 85-93.
Carrillat, F.A. et A. d’Astous (2013), «The Complementary Factor in the Leveraging of Sponsorship», International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, Vol. 53, No. 1, 15-30.
Carillat, F. A. A. d’Astous et J. Lazure (2013), «For Better for Worse? What to Do when Celebrity Endorsement Goes Bad?,» Journal of Advertising Research Vol. 53, No. 1, 15-30.
Colbert, F., A. Courchesne (2012), “Critical Issues in the Marketing of Cultural Goods: The Decisive Influence of Cultural Transmission”, City, Culture and Society, 3 (4), 275-280.
Dallaire, G., F. Colbert (2012), « Sustainable Development and Cultural Policy : Do They Make a Happy Marriage?”, ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, Vol 2 (1), 6-11
Dantas, Danilo and François A. Carrillat (2013) “The impact of personalised communications on consumer commitment”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Joireman, J., Y. Grégoire, B. Devezer, and T. Tripp (2013), “When do Customers Offer a ‘Second Chance’ Following a Double Deviation? The Impact of Inferred Firm Motives on Customer Revenge and Reconciliation,” Journal of Retailing, 89 (3), 315-337.
Mathras, Daniele, Katherine E. Loveland and Naomi Mandel (2013), « Media Image Effects on the Slef, » in The Routledge Companion to Identity and the Self, eds. Ayalla A. Ruvio and Russell W. Belk, Routledge New York, NY, pp 387-395.
Parmentier, Marie-Agnès, Eileen Fischer, and Rebecca Reuber (2013), “Positioning Person Brands in Established Organizational Fields,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, 41 (3), 373-87.
Radighieri J., B. John, Y. Grégoire, and J. Johnson (in press), “Ingredient Branding and Feedback Effects: The Impact of Product Outcomes, Initial Parent Brand Strength Asymmetry, and Parent Brand Role,” Marketing Letters.
Sisodiya, S., J. Johnson, and Y. Grégoire (in press), “Inbound Open Innovation for Enhanced Performance: Enablers and Opportunities,” Industrial Marketing Management.
Sotiropoulos, V. et A. d’Astous (2013), «Social Networks and Credit Card Overspending among Young Adult Consumers», Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 46, No 3, 457-484.
Sotiropoulos, V. et A. d’Astous (2013), «Attitudinal, Self-Efficacy, and Social Norms Determinants of Young Consumers' Propensity to Overspend on Credit Cards», Journal of Consumer Policy, Vol. 36, No. 2, 179-196.
Truong, D., Le, T.T., Sénécal, S., and Rao, S.S. (2012), “Electronic Marketplace: A Distinct Platform for B2B Procurement” Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 19 (3), 216-247.
Tuncay Zayer, Linda, Katherine Sredl, Marie-Agnès Parmentier and Catherine Coleman (2012), “Consumption and Gender Identity in Popular Media: Discourses of Domesticity, Authenticity and Sexuality,” Consumption, Markets and Culture, 15 (4), 333-57.
Brunet, Johanne, Jonathan Deschenes et Emanuelle Lambert (2012). “La gestion des magasins entrepôts : défis et stratégies”, Gestion - revue internationale de gestion, vol. 37, no 2, p. 85-93.
Boujbel, L. et A. d’Astous (2012). «Voluntary Simplicity and Life Satisfaction: Exploring the Mediating Role of Consumption Desires,» Journal of Consumer Behaviour, vol. 11, no 3, p. 487-494.
Capelli, Sonia & Dantas, Danilo C. (2012).« Comment intégrer les clients à la démarche marketing? », Gestion - revue internationales de gestion, vol 31, no 1, p. 74-82.
Carrillat, F.A. et A. d’Astous (2012). «The Sponsorship-Advertising Interface: Is Less Better for Sponsors?,» European Journal of Marketing, vol. 46, no 3/4, p. 562-574.
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Ingene, CA.., Taboubi, S., Zaccour, G. (2012). “Game-Theoretic Coordination Mechanisms in Distribution Channels: Integration and Extensions for Models Without Competition”. Journal of Retailing.
Martin-Herran, G., Taboubi, S., Zaccour, G. (2012). “Dual Role of Price and Myopia in a Marketing Channel”. European Journal of Operations Research, vol 219, no 2, p. 284-295.
Merle, A., Sénécal, S., and A. St-Onge (2012). “Whether and How Virtual Try-On Influences Consumer Responses to an Apparel Web Site,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce, vol. 16 no 3, p. 41-64.
Sotiropoulos, V. et A. d’Astous (2012). «Social Networks and Credit Card Overspending Among Young Adult Consumers,» Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 46, no. 3, p. 457-484.
Truong, D., Le, T.T., Sénécal, S., and Rao, S.S. (2012), “Electronic Marketplace: A Distinct Platform for B2B Procurement,” Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, vol 19, no 3.
Tuncay, L., Sredl, K., Parmentier, M-A., and Coleman, C. (2012). “Consumption and Gender Identity in Popular Media: Discourses of Domesticity, Authenticity and Sexuality,” Consumption, Markets and Culture, vol. 15, no 4, p. 333-357
Turgeon, Normand (2012)." Les rappels de produits: comment les gérer et les prévenir?", Gestion - revue internationale de gestion, vol. 37, no 1, Spring, p. 5-16.
Turgeon, Normand, Sara Loudyi (2012). "Le rappel de fromages au lait cru au Québec: quelles leçons en tirer?" Gestion - revue internationale de gestion, vol. 37, no 1, Spring, p. 47-53.