News > 2014 > ERPsim Lab receives the Prix de l’innovation pédagogique Cidegef/FNEGE

ERPsim Lab receives the Prix de l’innovation pédagogique Cidegef/FNEGE

June 12, 2014

Full professors Gilbert Babin, Pierre-Majorique Léger, and Jacques Robert (Information Technologies) won the Prix 2013 de l’innovation pédagogique Cidegef/FNEGE, tied with a team from Université Paris Dauphine, for ERPsim Lab.

Given for a sixth year, this award, presented by the Conférence internationale des dirigeants des institutions d’enseignement et de recherche de gestion d’expression française (Cidegef) and the Fondation nationale pour l’enseignement de la gestion des entreprises (FNEGE), aims to help disseminate pedagogical innovations in management sciences. The competition is open to French institutions of higher education. The virtual award ceremony will take place on June 25, from 3 to 5 p.m. (Paris time). On this occasion, award winners will present their innovations and partake in discussions with guests and members of the jury.

Developed in 2004, ERPsim Lab provides a series of real-life games where teams compete in a realistic business setting. What sets ERPsim apart is that participants in the simulation program must manage in real time all the operators within their organization with the use of a real business system: SAP ERP. Simulations allow participants to better understand the role of integrated systems in corporate management and become familiar with analytical and decision support tools in a realistic environment. The ERPsim software has already been sold to over 110 universities across the world.