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Nearly $450,000 in grants and scholarships for 24 MSc students

October 1, 2012

Master of Science (MSc) in Administration students at HEC Montréal have been awarded close to $450,000 in funding for their theses and supervised projects, for 2012-2013! All in all, 19 grants and scholarships were awarded by granting agencies, in addition to five others from Mitacs-Accelerate. Congratulations to everyone!


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

$17,500 in grants were awarded to:


Recipient MSc Option
Gabriel AlberolaMarketing
Marc-Antoine BarilFinance
Elian ChouaibFinance
Alexandre DucharmeInformation Technology
Erik FrenetteApplied Economics
Ali GhaliFinance
Mathieu LeclercFinance
Sara-Maude MelançonOrganizational Development
Alexandre PelletierOrganizational Development
Charles Perron-PichéFinance
Louis-Pierre P.-LepageApplied Economics
Janie RobillardOrganizational Development
Renaud St-CyrApplied Economics
Simon TremblayFinance


Institut de Finance Mathématique de Montréal (IFM2)

Scholarships of $15,000 per year, for a maximum of two years, were awarded to five students, all in the Financial Engineering option:


Recipient Length of scholarship
Abdelhakim Chekired2 years
Vincent Duranceau-Desmarais2 years
Forough Ensandoust Ghazvini1 year
Hugo Lamarre1 year
Antoine Morrissette-Boileau2 years



The following students (thesis or supervised project track) were each awarded a $15,000 grant for a four-month research internship:


Recipient MSc option Company
Thierry Beaupré-GateauManagementG.R.E.B.E. Inc.
Maude Craig-DuchesneOrganizational DevelopmentHydro-Québec
Mahdi NacerManagement SciencesElectrobac
Mathieu PotvinManagement SciencesPlanora
Romain RigalBusiness IntelligenceBristol-Myers Squibb


For more information

  • Visit these sites:



  • View the scholarship video on YouTube
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